The Hidden Smile|Yuri Plisetsky

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゜ ゚・*:.。..。.:* ☆ *:.。. .。.:*・゜゚

You're at Yuri's house and he's in a bad mood. You both just came from ice skating tournament and he's mad that Yuuri got a higher score than him. You look over to him pouring and you try to think of a way to cheer him up.

You think back to the things that make him smile. You can only think of a couple things making you frustrated. He seems lost in thought as he stares at the ceiling but still keeps his angry look. One thing that makes him happy is his grandfather but he's mad at him now because he didn't watch him skate. His grandfather would often take him and attend his skating practices in the place of his mother when he was younger. This is how they grew a such a tight bond. You would also attend those practices and also tried to learn to skate but Yuri always had a gift when he's on ice and he's amazing for his age.

It's pretty cold in Russia and you have on a leopard print sweater. Looking at your sweater you get an idea of what makes his happy. You run to his room and grab a special someone and bring it over to him. He stills stares at the ceiling and you poke his shoulder and try to get his attention.
"Yuri, look who I brought!" You say hoping he'll look your way.
He snaps out of his daze and look over almost startled. You have his cat and you pet it gently and he looks at you still looking a bit angry.

The cat purrs as Yuri pets it and you hand it over to him. The cat is beautiful with soft long white and brown hair and has blue green eyes just like him. The cat lays on his lap and curls up but still no smile.

Hoping the cat will do something cute it just continues to lay there. Almost face palming you thought that would make him smile for sure. Losing hope you try to think of other things that would make him smile. He then gets up out of his seat and his cat follows him.

"Yuri, where are you going???"

"I'm going for a walk to clear my head."

"It's cold outside are you sure you want to bring the cat?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." He says while closing the door leaving you alone in his house.

Getting bored you want to find him. You grab a scarf and go outside. You try to walk along the snow covered pathway in hopes it would lead to him. You notice some tracks just made in the snow. It has to be him. You start to run following the tracks until it goes off the trail and goes into the nearby woods. You start to get a bit scared. Then you remember a a spot in these woods Yuri would always go to when he was little.

One day when Yuri found out his mother could not watch him skate sometimes he ran away in tears and would go to a spot in the forest. You got worried and searched for him and then found him sitting on a rock near a waterfall and he would stare at the water and this would calm him down. You head in the direction of the waterfall hoping he will be there. You then see a hooded figure with a cat looking at the water.

"Yuri I knew you would be here."

He turns around to meet your eyes but turns back around. You try think of something to say but have another idea. You grab some snow and roll it into a ball. You then throw it at Yuri. He stands up and turns around still holding his cat. He tries to wipe off the snow and when he's just about to speak his cat starts to lick the snow off his face. He then starts to laugh and you almost cry seeing him smile.

"Thank for knocking some sense into me." He then puts his cat down and throws a snowball at you.

"Fine. If that's how it's going to be." You grab a snowball and throw it at him. You then have a snowball fight for about 5 minutes and you both start to laugh.

"Let's go back inside. It's getting late." He gets the cat and gives it to you.

"Thanks to you and the cat you cheered me up." He then holds your free hand and walks you home.

Just wrote a cute one shot to honor the angry smol bean. I will continue to write requests after this so I hoped you like it!!! |(3)|

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