Lights|Victor Nikiforov

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It's Christmas Eve and it's freezing outside.

Your house nice and warm but seems a bit dull. You realize that you need something to brighten your spirit and your home. You put on your coat and the fuzzy hood covering most of your face and you venture out to find the perfect decoration.

Each step you take in the snow making you wish the store was closer. You finally make it to the assortment of small outdoor shops. You loved this area. Every year they would have the most spectacular tree right next to the small ice rink. You look at the people skating across the ice, as you are almost fixated by it. You go back to taking a look around at store trying to find something that will catch your eye.

You turn around and bump into someone. You look up to see a guy with light hair and blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"You look like you're worried about something is there any way I could help you?"

You give a confused look at wonder how he knows that your are sort of in a distressed mood.
"It's just that I need to get something to make my home look more in the Christmas spirit but I don't know what to get."

"Oh I see, hmmm...well follow me around and maybe you'll see something you'll like."

You follow him around store to store. Not finding anything that catches your eye. Feeling hopeless you both sit down. You look up at Victor as he looks at the skating rink behind you.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you this but I'm a retired skater and I don't mean to show off but I won a few gold medals."

You put things together and realize he's Victor Nikiforov. As you feel stupid you didn't notice it sooner.

"OMG YOUR VICTOR NIKIFOROV!!!" You almost yell attracting other peoples' attention. You sit back down feeling embarrassed at your actions. He looks at you and gives out a small laugh.

"Yes, that is me. You know I like your energy. Maybe we can get a gift that reflects you as a person."

You both get up and look around again. Feeling frustrated and ready to give up you then notice him staring at the big Christmas tree. You then see him jump up and down. He runs over to you.

"Look at this tree, you know what makes it special?"

You stop and stare at the tree. Looking at every detail and try to find the right answer. "If you need a hint, it's something that's kinda difficult to put on the tree but once it's up and ready it makes the tree shine."

You immediately know the answer and almost jump in the air as you figure it out. "Christmas lights how could I forget!!!" You say it with happiness and hug Victor. You run over to the shop and get Christmas lights that can change into any color you desire.

He watches as you purchase the lights and a smile spreads across his face. "Thank you for your help. I would of never been able to find anything without you. It's simple but can bring your home a sense of joy." As you are ready to part ways with him he grabs your hand.

"I don't really celebrate Christmas and I really never payed attention to the holiday. I was born an Christmas actually."

"It's your birthday tomorrow? I have to get you a gift!!! I can't let you help me without paying you back."

Thinking of a gift to get him. You don't much about him less alone what to get him.

"I think I have an idea of what I want."

"What is it??? I'll get you anything. Just name it." You say wanting to know what he wants.

"I'll let you know when the time is right. So anyway can I take you home and help you with putting up your lights?"

"Sure, I probably do need help."

You both go to your home and he helps you put up the lights. You're almost done as he is putting up the last ones and you're ready to plug them in. He gives you the signal and you both watch as the lights brings your house to life.

"Now that we're done I think it's time to let you know what I want." He pulls out of his pocket some mistletoe and puts it over him. The lights makes his blue eyes shimmer and if that is what he wants then he'll get it.

You kiss him and know that this was the best Christmas Eve ever.

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