Chapter 13: First Taunt

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"Over my fucking dead body." Demi says firmly and protectively.

"Do you know how to fight?" I whisper to her.

"The basics." That's enough for me.

"Now is a great time to test them." I tell her and I was yank away from her, I quickly put the gun behind me as I was push up against a wall; hands strangling me and lift me off the ground.

I used my free hand as to try and loosen the grip but they were having none of it.

"Who sen-sent yo-you?" I say between gasps.

"You should know by now." The deep voice said and tighten their grip on my neck.

I gasp for some air while he say, "He sent me and my boys to give you a little message. 'Watch your back girly.' And he'll be seeing you soon."

"Tel-tell him it's on lik-like donkey fuc-fucking kong." With that I kneed him in the chin and he lets go of me. I land on solid ground and punch him in the gut, took out my gun and grab his leg and shoot. I need to know where to shoot right? I shot his leg and he screams in pain and slaps me across the face. I spit out blood but walk away from him. I put the gun back in my jeans and reach down for my dagger. I heard some grunting and went over there.

"Hey! Its me you want! Leave her out of this." I tell them and raised my dagger. The grunting stop but soon a whimper of pain came with it and a thump.

"What did you fucking do?!" I yelled at them and took a step forward.

One of the curses for being blind is not knowing where is your opponent.

"I stab her, now come here little girl." One of then said.

I grew furious, "Now you did it, you son of a bitch!"

I got punch in the face but knew the person was in front of me so I took it. I wrap an arm around them and stab him in the back with my dagger. He yells in pain but elbow me in the chest. I grunt and took a step back. Next thing I know, I was stab in the shoulder.

"Stop! Boss said not to kill her! He wants to do it, now lets go before someone sees." The deep voice dude say and I hear rush footsteps run away. I put the dagger back into my boot and held onto my shoulder in pain.

"Demi? Demi where are you?!" I yelled and turn around rapidly, trying to hear her.

"He-here." She says softly. I rush to her at the sound of her voice, drop down on my knees and touch her side. It was bloody, I pressed on to it and turn toward her,

"You'll be okay, just a little blood is all. Did you fight them?" I ask her.

"Yes but got stab when I was looking at you. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you from them. Are you okay baby girl?" She asks me and holds my arm.

"It's okay and yeah but lets not worry about me now. Just stay conscious with me." My voice cracking.

"Are you hurt?" She says, caring; alert and worried in her tone. I nod with tears streaming down my face.

"The fucking bastards won't do it again, you hear me?" I crack a smile but nodded anyways.

"Don't leave me." I whisper as I feel blood gushing out so I pressed down more.

"Never." Before she loses conscious from all the blood lost, a word slip out of my mouth that shock me.


Meanwhile. . .


I was currently sitting on a bench with a book that I was reading and eating a ice cream. It was a cloudy day in LA but I was used it since I came from England.

I love books and writing but my mum sent me here so I could study for my writing, I don't know why but she said dreams came reality here so I shrugged and went on with it. My apartment was a near here and so I decided to finish my reading there and go back to writing my essay that my professor gave me. I stood up and threw away my ice cream and walk down the sidewalk.

I push up my glasses so I can read because they were lowering and I couldn't see properly when I heard an American young girl's voice yelled out.

"Hey! Can someone help me please?!" I turn around to the voice and saw a young teenage girl towering over a woman. Confused, I packed away my book and headed towards them.

"Is everything alright there, love?" I ask her in my British accent.

"No, please my mom got stab and she's unconscious. Can you call the ambulance?" She asks me, tears in her glassy chocolate brown eyes as she watch me. I flip out my phone and called for them.

"They would be here any minute," I hung up on them and walk towards her and the woman and crouch next to her.

"If I may help you," She quickly answer with a yes and I look at her bloody shoulder. I press onto it and I ask her.

"Love, if I could ask; why couldn't you call the ambulance yourself?"

"I'm blind and I left my phone at home and I can't see where she put hers." Pity was clear on my face.

"What happen here? And what's your name also? I'm Alec." I tell her.

"We got jumped and I'm Jamie. That's Demi, my mom." I was a little confused but look down at her mum. But yes, it is the American singer Demi Lovato. I heard somewhere that she adopted a child, this must be her.

"Thank you for helping me, I didn't know where our friend have gone to." She says and I nod.

"Anytime love." Sirens were heard through the sky as they near by. I stood up and help Jamie up.

"Can I pick up your mum so I could bring her to the ambulance because they can't seem to come in here." I tell her and waited for her answer.

"Yes, please I just want her to be okay." I pick up Demi, bridal style and tell Jamie to hold my arm so I could guide her. She does and I walk to the officers. I gave them her mum and they quickly worked on her as Jamie was sitch up but didn't want to leave Demi's side. I stood near them as I could seeing as Jamie was getting question by the officers. To say the truth, I was worried about them.

That was soon done and they told her that they needed to bring her mother to the hospital to give her some blood because of the blood lose. They put Demi inside and Jamie was about to climb in also but stop and ask one of them.

"Wait, can Alec come too? I want him to come." I look at her confused but consider on going anyways. I got in next to her and looked around. She feels around for my hand and hold it in hers.

"Thank you."

"For what love?"

"For helping us, really it means a lot." She says and smiles.

"It's my pleasure love."

I guess my reading and writing can wait.

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