Chapter 14: Alec And Scars

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I went through Demi's purse, trying to find her phone so I can call Marrisa. I felt the metal, rectangular thing and pulled it out. I walk back to Demi's bed and snuggle up to her and turn to Alec's direction.

"Alec?" I ask him while we played thumb war.

"Yes love?" His British accent answer me.

"Can you look through Demi's contacts and look for a name under Marrisa." I tell him and handed it to him. Fingers tapping later, I felt that he handed back to me and I put the phone to my ear as I waited for her to pick up.

"Demi! What happen? Where are you guys?! I've been waiting at the ice cream parlor for a hour and a half. I've been worried sick!" Worried and concern was clear in her voice.

"It's Jamie and we got jumped. Demi got stabbed and we're at the hospital." I tell her.

"I'll be right there." And she hung up. I put the phone back in her purse and cuddle with Demi and continue to play thumb war with Alec.

The doctors said that she would wake up any minute now and after they gave Demi some more blood; I hadn't left her bed or her side for the most, I was cuddle up to her and I talk with Alec. He's a nice guy really.

"So Alec, where do you live?" I ask him while he win another game of thumb war.

"At my apartment near the ice cream parlor." He answers.

"Oh, so how old are you?" I ask.

"23." He tells me.

"And what are you studying for?" I ask and I finally win at thumb war with him.

"I am studying to become a writer actually at a near by university close here." He answers me.

"That's cool but why did you come to LA?" Out of curiosity I ask him.

"My mum said that dreams come reality or something along those lines so I merily shrug and went along with it." He says.

"Do you have any family here?" I ask him once again.

"No, I busy myself with my studies or if not then I may be reading a good book." He says, I felt a little sad that he was all alone here.

"Well you can always hang out with us mate." I say to him in a horrible British accent. He laughs and I smile.

This was the first taunt that he has officially done. Only four more to go and then it would be the real thing after all five taunts are done. That's how he did it 7 years ago, he taunted us five times and then kill them after it was done. I remember because that how he works, it got his filthy name written all over it.

I'm just glad that Alec came and help me, I like him; he's a nice gentlemen unlike the killer on my ass. I was snap back to reality to a voice saying.

"Ugh, what the hell happen?" My head snap to that direction when I realized that Demi has woken up.

"Demi!" I scream happily and pulled her in a bear hug. With watery eyes, I pulled away from her and held her hand.

"Your finally up, god damn it you scared me half to death." I tell her with a smile on my face. I feel her sit up but I slowly push her down because of her wound.

"Sorry Dem, you can't move until your healed." I mumble to her and look away. She grunts but laid down anyways.

"Are you hurt?" She asks and she squeezes my hand.

"Well kinda, I was stabbed in the shoulder but they sitch it up and a bit bruised but nothing major." I tell her.

"How did we get here?" She asks me.

"Alec, he help me when you passed out." I say and gesture to Alex who I know was sitting beside us.


I was confused as to this Alec guy was so I look toward where Jamie gesture and saw the most hottest guy to ever walk this planet.

Wow, he's handsome.

He has dark rectangular glasses with bright blue eyes and dark hair that was swept to the side. His eyes held kindness and a calming glint to it.

I was breathless.

He stood up and walk toward us. He held out his hand for me to shake and with a small smile he said.

"I'm sorry if I'm a bother to you but I was walking to my apartment when I heard that your daughter was screaming for help and I help you lovely ladies. I didn't know you ladies were jumped until Jamie told me and I call for an ambulance as she couldn't and you were unconscious, I'm Alec also." As I shook his hand, I knew he had a British accent.

Oh God, an accent too! How more perfect can he get?

"Demi and than-thank you for the help. It mea-means a lot." I stuttered. I cursed myself silently for stuttering in front of him and blush of embarrassment. He chuckles and sit back down.

I turn back to Jamie to find she have a confused look on her face but shook it off and says to me.

"It's gonna scar Demi."

I give her a confused look of my own and ask, "What's gonna scar babe?"


I bent my head down and started to play with her hand. "Your wound, where you got stabbed. Its gonna scar and so will mine." I tell her quietly.

I felt her other hand stroke my cheek softly while she says. "I don't care if it does scar or not; all I care about is that your safe and sound here with me. And before I passed out, did you call me mom?" I was shocked. She remember that?

"N-no, you must be dreaming. I didn't say that, I was screaming your name." I lied as calmly as I could. It slipped out and I wasn't ready to call her that, at least not yet. Honest, I was scared and I'm not saying anymore.

"Oh." Was her sad replay.

I smile briefly at her and laid down next to her and I return to my thumb war with Alec as Demi played with my hair. Demi and Alec talked in low voices while a nurse checked up on Demi with me lost in thought.

What will the next taunt be? I wonder to myself.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a door open and I look toward the sound and heard. "Fucking traffic, fucking police and fucking speed signs. Demi, Jamie and guy I don't know!"

Rush footsteps came to us and pulled me and Demi into a bone crushing hug and a small hello to Alec which he respond to. It was Marrisa and so we respond to all of her questions and ask what took her so long to which she respond with 'speed limit'. I laugh at that and after of a while of talking, I soon trusted Marrisa and soon I heard Alec get up.

"Wait, you leaving so soon?" I ask him and got out of the bed.

"I'm afraid so love, I must be getting back to finish my essay. But I gave your mother my number if you lovely ladies need anything." He says and I walk to his direction and wrap my arms around his waist, giving him a hug.

"Thank you for helping us back there. I didn't know what I would do if you weren't there." I say and he hugs me back. He left after saying goodbye to Demi and Marrisa. We got interrupted when a nurse came in and ask Demi if she would want to sign the discharge papers to which she replay instantly with a yes. We got ready and left with Marrisa as she was our ride.

"Ready to go home kid?" Demi ask me with her arm wrapped around me.

"Yep, I'm tired and sore. I just want to sleep and cuddle with you." Was my respond as I lean onto her and close my eyes from the tiredness.

"Me too kid, me too."

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