Chapter 16: Tyler

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"When do I start?" I ask her as I pace in front of her in the living room. Yeah I know, it's two in the morning and I can't go to sleep since we got home. I rub my arms nervously while she answer.

"In four days and I would start working on the same day."

I stop and turn toward her direction.

"Okay, I'll go." I whisper to her. I knew sometime soon I would have to go to school but I'm nervous about it. I've been homeschooled since I went blind and I was comfortable with that but I guess it'll be a little difficult with being blind.

"What's wrong babe? Sacred about it?" She asks me and I hear her get up and walk to me. I wrap my arms around her while she hum in my ear. One of the reasons of that I wanted to be homeschooled was because I was scared to go back to a school and endanger everyone if the killer escape and would kill me and everyone in that school. I didn't want to put anyone in danger after what happen 7 years ago.

"Yeah," I say truthfully. "It's gonna be a little harder this time though with me being blind and that." She squeezes me and I shut my eyes.

"It'll be over before you know it. You'll make friends there and tomorrow we're going shopping for your school stuff." She says and I nod in her shoulder. She bents down and I climb onto her back and she piggy me back to her room. She left to get ready while I got dress in one of her shirts, I got into bed and waited for Demi to come. I feel the bed dip behind me and arms wrap around my waist while she pulls me close to her. She hums one of her songs and before she falls asleep, she whisper into my ear.

"I love you..." I stayed in her arms for a while, thinking that it will be okay if I go to a new school now. I just hope no one would end up hurt if I go and well if he does another killing spread. I shrudder at the thought and move closer to Demi if possible.

"I love you too mami..." I whisper into her ear and soon sleep took over me.

I got up the next morning on the floor. What the heck? How did I end up here? Oh well, better get up now. I got up from the floor and rub my face, taking any tiredness away. I walk back to my room quietly and got ready for the day. I heard yelping behind me and notice that it was Louise begging for food. I smile at her and she guides me to the kitchen. I got her food and put it in her bowl on the floor next to me. I hear her happily eat it away while I start on breakfast. Half way through I turn on the radio and find one of my favorite songs were playing and so I sang along.

"Voy a reír, voy a bailar

Vivir mi vida lalalalá

Voy a reír, voy a gozar

Vivir mi vida lalalalá

Voy a reír, voy a bailar

Vivir mi vida lalalalá

Voy a reír, voy a gozar

Vivir mi vida lalalalá ,"

I sang along with him and dance my way around the kitchen. What? He's a great singer and I love his songs, especially this song. It have a lot of meaning to me.

"That's going on Twitter." I heard Demi say cheekily from behind me. I turn around to her direction and blush, embarrass that she caught me.

I laugh nervously at her and ask, "You saw all that?"

"Yup, defiantly. I got it on my phone too. What's for breakfast?" She asks me and I told her. We ate and left for the mall to get me my things for school. Once we got there, we got me the stuff we need well stuff that blind people need for school. I lost Demi while we were finding me a backpack.

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