Chapter 61: Surgery

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Oh my god, someone calm me down before I freak out.

I'm scared shitless!

Today they are gonna perform the surgery. I was already in the hospital gown and I'm in a wheel chair, being wheeled out to the surgery room.

"Wait! Wait! Oh god wait, I-I feel like I'm gonna throw up." I say and they stop wheeling me around. I took in breaths, feeling panic rose in me as I thought about this.

Oh crap.

Oh shit.

Oh carajo.

"Hey hun, everything okay?" Demi's soothing voice says next to me, she crouches down next to me and takes my hands in hers.

"No," I shook my head, feeling fucking terrified. "I'm fucking scared mom." My voice trembles slightly and so does my hands, my eyes widened with fright.

She caresses my cheek and I lean into her touch, breathing in. "Come on, take in deep breaths with me. It's alright to be scared, I would be too. But hey, everything will go well."


"Pinky promise."

She wraps her pinky around mines and squeezes, I smiled. "And when everything's done, I'll be right here, waiting for ya."


"Yep, I love you."

"I love you too mom."

She brings me into her and wraps me in a comforting hug. After a while, we let go and they rolled me into the room.

They made me lay down on a cool metal surface and shuffle around me. "Hey Jamie, you doing alright?" Sammy's voice says beside my head, I tilted my head at the sound of her voice.

"I guess, I'm not that scared anymore. Are you gonna do the surgery?" I ask her, curling my toes and uncurling them in anticipation.

"No, but I'll be watching to make sure everything will be going okay." She does something that makes the rest of the people in the room leave. "eight years later huh Jamie?"

I let out a breath. "Yeah, tell me about it. Eight years." I say and she shuffles around me.

Before she left, I grab her arm. "Was it a he or a she?" I ask.

She sighs. "I can't tell you, it's illegal."

"Please," I pleaded, at least knowing the gender of the eye donor will make me feel at more ease.

She leans in and whisper in my ear. "A girl." And leaves the room.

A girl aye?

Hmm, okay these won't be my eyes anymore, cause they were hers.

Her eyes.

I close my eyes and let out a breath I didn't think I was holding. They put me to sleep and soon, they started the surgery.


I waited, my foot tapping impatiently as I waited.

I sigh, looking around the waiting room. A lot of people were here, just waiting to see if Jamie gets out of surgery.

Fifth Harmony was here, Little Mix, Cher, Ariana Grande, Jamie's friends, One Direction, my family, some of my friends and Alec too, it was packed with people.

I stood up, pacing around the room as I waited, my eyes glancing at the hallway if a nurse or doctor would stop by and says Jamie's name.

I was so nervous, I can't believe this. My baby's gonna get her sight back and I've been nervous like hell.

I have a bunch of what ifs going through my mind.

"Oh just say you love each other already!" Dinah says, smacking Lauren and Camila with her bag. Lauren rolls her eyes but lets Camila cuddle into her side.

I smile, shaking my head as I got some water. I was drinking it when a doctor says, "Jamie Lovato?"

I spit out the water and rush over to her, everyone was standing up. She looks around confuse.

"None of you have the last name Lovato," I say, pointing to all of them. I stand in front of the doctor and smiled.

"I'm her mom, these people aren't." I say and she nods, smiling.

"Well I see that's she's very loved and care for," She says, looking around the room.

"How did it go?" I ask her about it and she smiles widely.

"The surgery went well and nothing got out of hand. She would have the bandage around her eyes for three days, after three days is up, she can take it off and can see again." She says and I squeal loudly, I grab her and hug her tightly as everyone screamed with happiness.

She pats my back awkwardly and I let go of her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" I say and she nods, smiling.

"You can see her now if you want to," I nod quickly and she leads me or so everyone to her room.

I walk inside, smiling happily once I saw Jamie sleeping, a white bandage covered her eyes. I sat down next to her and grab her hand, squeezing it tightly.

Just three days.

These are gonna be the longest three days of my life.

~Three Days Later~


I'm going to pee my pants.

Well, if I had any pants.

You know what I'm saying, I'm so fucking nervous and shit, like I'm gonna explode any time soon.

I was still in a hospital gown, in my bed, waiting for Sammy to cut off the bandage that's wrap around my eyes.

I could feel everyone was nervous, even mom, she kept checking herself in the mirror, to see if she look alright but I keep telling her that she looks fine even if I don't see her but I will, in just a few moments.

I'm scared.

I'm so fucking scared.

I have butterflies flying in my stomach, my hands tremble with fear and I keep taking in deep breaths.

"Okay Jamie, ready?" Sammy says beside me and everyone went quiet.

No, not really.

But you can go ahead and take this damn bandage off, it itches!

I sigh before nodding.

Oh god, I think I'm gonna die.

No, I don't want to. Wait, someone hold my hand!

Sammy fingers pressed against the side of my head, holding the bandage as she cuts it off.

The bandage falls onto my lap and I didn't move. She shuffles away from me and could tell everyone was gonna explode with emotions.

"You can open your eyes whenever your ready," She says and I nod.

My eyes were tightly shut and I was tense up. This is it, this is the moment we've all been waiting for.

Okay Jamie, at three.


No, I can't do this!


Oh my god, is this really happening?! This is what happening?!

Yeah, it's happening alright.


I open my eyes.




So yeah, next update is the last chapter then the epilogue! :D

Next update: Friday :D

Hehehe I'm such a tease and I know it x))

Anyways, cya! :)

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