Chapter 30: Third Taunt

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All hell broke lose.

I covered my mouth and cough hysterically. I grip onto her and we continue to walk.

"We gotta get out of here." I heard Rocky said and I nod in agreement. I heard a lot of footsteps and soon people were shoving, pushing and trying to get out. Through the sea of people, I lost Rocky. Someone shove me to the ground and I trip. I heard the footsteps leaving and then nothing except fire cracking, things crashing and hope vanishing.

She left me.

I covered my nose and mouth, trying to block out the smoke. I cough and stumbled around.

I couldn't do anything.

I'm blind.

I can't do anything except stumble around.

I have no idea of what's in front of me.

All I see is black.

This most be the worst way to die.

No! Wait, burning alive isn't the worst way to die, there are a lot of other ways on dying that are worst.

I just started to call Demi mom!

And started to say 'I love you!'

I wanted to see Demi before I die.

Not like this.

If only I had more time with her and even get to meet her family.

I felt the flames burning my skin and I step away from them. I hiss in pain as my shoulder was burnt.

"Is anyone there? Damn it! Someone help me! Please!" I shouted out weakly. The smoke was getting to me. I drop to the ground as I felt something crash into me. It landed on my leg and I scream in pain. My leg was stuck on it, how much as I try to get it out, it stuck.

Oh shit. I don't wanna die like this.


As I was crowded with police, fireman and students, I couldn't find Jamie anywhere. I swear I had her by the hand. I look around for her but only found the boys. I rush to them.

"Have you seen Jamie?!" I ask them hurrily.

"No, why isn't she with you?" Tyler asks me worried.

"No, I mean I had her but I thought she was out here." I said to them.

"Well I haven't seen her out here, maybe she's still inside!" Brandon yelled out, wide eyed.

I could feel my face drain of color, I numbly look around for my phone and called Demi.

"Is everything okay?" She pick up on the first ring and already sounds worried.

"No, you need to get here, now! Jamie's trap inside!" I said, my voice trembling.

"What?! What's happening?!" I heard movement on her side of the phone.

"The school, it's on fire and I had Jamie but I don't know, people were shoving and my grip loosen on her. I thought she would be out here but she isn't. Hurry, please." I said and she hung up, I already know she was on her way.

I turn back to the guys and I saw them looking around. I drag them to the fireman and told them,

"My friend is still in there! You have to save her!"

They look at us with pity and shook their heads,

"I'm sorry Miss, but the fire is so intense that we can't go in there. I'm very sorry." I glare at them with so much hatred, I drag the boys a little away from them.

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