Chapter 34: Never Been Hurt

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I drag myself to the couch, exhausted from the running and everything Dallas had me doing this morning. I drop my bag and fall face front on the couch, letting out a relief sigh; I snuggle my head in the pillow but then was irritate when Cher interrupted me from falling asleep.

"You were good out there Jay-Bird," I groan and stuff my head more into the pillow.

"Why do you care?" I mumble into the pillow.

"Because your growing up into a increadible young women who is insipring teenagers across the world everyday to do the impossible. I'm glad that I got to meet you those years ago, then I wouldn't have gotten to see you grow up and face your fears." She sounds like she's going to cry? I've never heard her cry or anything like that when I'm around her. I lifted my head, confused and asked,

"Are you... Are you going to cry?" Suprise and awe clear in my voice. I felt a smile come across my face at the thought she's going to cry any minute.

"What?! No! I am certainly not going to cry! That's rubbish!" She says and I start to giggle at her.

"Oh come on Cher, we know that you will someday. Don't neglate it," I say, teasing her. A smirk on my face, I laid my head down again.

"Yeah, well whatever. I'm gonna go look around, I'll see you later." She says and I smile.

"Love you Cher," I say to her and she mumbles a 'love you too' before hanging up. I left the ear piece in and fell asleep on the couch. Waking up hours later, I noticie I was wrap up in mom's arms. I knew it was her because she was whispering to me some lyrics I haven't heard before.

"I will love you and forever

I will love you like I never

Like I never heard goodbye

Like I never heard a lie

Like I'm falling into love for the first time,"

"Ohhh, new song? What's it about?" I ask her as I turn to her, a grin etch on my face. She in turn squeals and jumps in surprise, I giggle at her reaction and give her a innocent smile.

"Oh my God! Don't scare me like that! I thought you were still asleep! Wait- how much did you heard?" She asks me and settles down next to me.

"From 'I will love you and forever' and after that before I asked you," I said. "So, what's it about?" I urge her to tell me, excited about the new lyrics.

"Nothing, nothing." She mumbles and buries her head into my hair.

"Well it is something, come on what's it about?! A ex? Boyfriend? Past boyfriends?" I ask her, excitedly and shook her arm.

"No, none of them. It's for someone extremely special and is really close to me. And it's a surprise," She says and kisses my cheek. I frown at her, wanting to know about who it was.

"Please?" I whine at her and pulled the puppy dog face on her.

"No," She says and hugs me to her. "Why don't we get ready and get those books?" She asks me and I know she is smiling.

"Really?" Already forgetting about the new song. "Awesome! Lets get ready," I say, grab her arm and drag her up the stairs. We got ready and we left to a library near here. My hand in hers and the other with my cane, we walk inside and toward the staff center thing.

"Hi! Um, we are looking for books that are for the blind? My daughter wants to learn how to read it." Mom says to someone at the desk. I grin at whoever it was and say a simple 'hey'.

"It's called Braille, and yes, we have some simple books that your daughter can read and learn quickly. Follow me, please." The woman says and we follow after her. She gave us a few books and told me a bit about them. Yeah, the books were for kids but I wanted to try it out and see if I can read a whole book blind. I never got the chance to learn Braille because I would never wanted to try it or I just didn't want to know because then it would have been another reminder that I am blind.

We got the books and we just have to return it by the end of the week, which will give me a lot of time to try and read it. We walk back home, but not before we we're stop by a few Lovatics and stop to talk with them. It was fun, they were really sweet and I love them. Once we got home, I dump my shoes and called out for Mads. I decided that I will read them later once I try to get close with everyone in the family, I want them to like me.

I heard her footsteps coming down and she stops in front of me. "Yeah?" She asks me and I grin at her. "Wanna go swimming?" I ask her, excited to go into the pool they have.

"Sure," She says and I smile at her. We got ready and had fun in the pool. I push her in and even got to know her and more. After we had fun and everything, I went back inside, took a shower, put on some new clothes and went to Demi.

"Lets start the Braille," I said to her and smile. I felt her grab my hand and she tugs me to the kitchen. She sets down a book in front of me and I put my hand over it.

"Okay so the A is..." And with the next few hours I learn how to read some of the letters of the alphabet.

"Why don't you try to read a sentence?" Demi asks me and I could hear movement around the room. I nod and move my hand the page.

"Th- The app- appl- apple fe- fel- fell fro- from the tr- tree?" I say and look at her hopefully, wanting to know if I read it right.

"You did it!" She yells happily and wrap me in her arms as I felt tears coming to my eyes.

I can't believe it, I actually read a sentence.

I thought I couldn't read anymore but I did, I read a sentence!

I wrap my arms around her waist as she kiss my cheek and says,

"I'm so proud of you! You can read a sentence but we need to practice more, want to do it again?" I nod at her and we continue to learn about it. After I think we had enough, I decided to watch some movies with Mads. I walk into the living room with mom and found Mads already there. We watch movies together, talk, had fun and me trying to be a normal teenager.

"What are you doing Jamie?" Demi asks me when she walks back into the room. I turn to her direction and smile, while I ate some flaming hot Cheetos.

"Being an normal teenager," I said and ate another one. I could feel my mouth burning up but I didn't mind.

"Normal is boring, I like it that your different." She says and I felt the couch dip and her wrapping her arm around me.

"I'm blind, it doesn't get any more normal then that." I say and she takes some of my Cheetos.

"Yeah well, your my normal kid." She says and kiss my cheek. I was about to say something but the door bell rings. Confused, I turn to the sound of it.

"You expecting anyone?" I ask her as I got up from my seat and walk to it.

"Not that I know of, you?" She says and I heard her get up.

"Nope, I'll check who it is." I say and went to the door. I grab the handle and turn it, a little confuse on who it could be.

"Jamie," They breath out.

Oh hell no.

Lets say that Never Been Hurt is a new song and Demi is writing it.

Anyone knows who's at the door?

Adios :)

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