Chapter 28: Te Amo Mami

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"Hey, how was the studio?" I ask Demi as I got into the car. It's been a day since we found out about the video. In two days we leave to Texas to meet the family. Yesterday, Demi haven't been talking much and everytime I get close to her she just push me away. I'm trying to figure out what's up since yesterday.

"Fine," Was her response.

So I stayed quiet and let Demi drive. We got there soon and walk inside, Demi left to somewhere in the house so I went up to the roof with Louise and my guitar. I don't have anything else to do so I stayed up there for a while.

I let the notes hang in the air a bit and set the guitar down. I felt the wind blowing harder, the thunder in the distance cracking, and the smell of rain. I knew there was gonna be a storm tonight. I stood up, grab my guitar, and went downstairs with Louise as it started to rain. I let Louise roam round as I made me some dinner. I ate and got ready for bed. After that, I went back downstairs and soon Marissa got here. She watch 'Frozen' with me and left to who knows where. Demi came down soon after the movie ended and we sat there, with one of us on either side of the couch. I turn to her, a little hurt that she has been avioding me since we got here.

"What's up Demi?" I say quietly. Instead of expecting an sentence, I get a full blown rant.

"Am I that bad of a mother?! Can't you trust me?! I love you so fucking much! Why can't you say 'I love you too' back?! Do I give you a vibe that you can't trust me or you don't want to say 'mom' or 'I love you too'?! Is it because I've been busy with work or something?! I want to be there for you! But I can't do that if I don't even know your fucking past! I can't wrap my head around the clues you have been giving me! I'm really trying to figure it out but I can't do that until you give me the final piece! I want to protect you but I can't do that until you tell me what the hell is going on! I love you! Can't you see that I do? Can't you see that?!" She yells and I heard her leave the room.

Actually, I can see that she loves me very much, not physically but I can see it. I got up and follow after her stomping feet. I follow her to her room and I heard her bathroom door slamming shut. So I followed the sound, sat down and lean against the door. I started talking with a small smile on my face.

"You are abosuletly amazing, do you know that? Your absolutely beautiful inside and out, even if I can't see you. You insipre girls everyday to stay strong and help them with your songs. You sing your heart out to every song and even do an awesome peformence with it. You are an amazing mother to me even if you think otherwise. You help me get around, you feed me, you cloth me, you give me the attention a child wants from their mother, you protect me, you think of me often that I know you do, you stand by me, you don't jugde me because I'm blind and most importantly, you love me. That, I know. The only reson why I haven't called you 'mom' or said 'I love you too' was because I was scared. I was scared that you would leave me once I will tell you about what happen and immeditely back away. I didn't want you to leave me because I need you more then you can ever imagine. So tomorrow I'll tell you what happen. So what I'm trying to say here is,"

"Te amo, mami."


Te amo, mami - I love you, mom.

Yeah so she finally said it! :D I think I've been stalling so much in this story xD so except in a few chapters Jamie's past! :P

I know that this was really short but I couldn't think of anything else xD :P

Adios! :D

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