Chapter 1

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"Oh Alexander you're always so busy. I haven't seen you for so long." I say as Hamilton walks along my side around the perimeter of my father's land.

"I know but I can't just stop Y/N you know that. This nation has so much potential and I am going to help it reach higher than you can dream of." he replied.

"Only you would say that Alex. Well along with my dad. I haven't seen much of him lately too. How are things going with the nation you know?" I asked him.

"Your father said that Thomas Jefferson is coming home today. There's also supposed to be a cabinet meeting after he gets back." Alexander said and we made our way inside to the kitchen. I take a seat on a stool as does Hamilton.

"Interesting. Maybe I could stop by." I tell him leaning on the counter.

"You want to watch me kick Jefferson's ass?" Hamilton laughs.

"Language Alexander." My dad says walking into the kitchen putting an empty glass into the sink.

"Sorry sir." Hamilton sits up straighter after my father's arrival.

"I expect you will be joining me to greet Mr. Jefferson after he arrives son." he says looking at both of us.

"Of course. When will we be leaving?" Alex asks him looking away from me now.

"Right now. You are ready, correct?" he asks Alexander and Alex replies with a yes sir.

"Can I come?" I ask as Hamilton got off of the stool and I mimicked him.

"If you wish." my father replies. I smile and follow them to the horse drawn carriage that would take us where the meeting was supposed to be. It was already in the afternoon when we left so the sun should be setting soon. The ride was silent until Alexander opened his mouth.

"How does he magically get a part in the cabinet. He hasn't even been here throughout the revolution."

'Oh Alexander.' I think to myself. Of course he would bring up something like this. We've been friends since he first became my father's right hand man and I had already met the Schuylers before him and Eliza were married.

"Although he wasn't here he was working in France for us. Hamilton show respect to the man when you meet him. You haven't even met him yet and you are already being disrespectful. Get your thoughts together and if you don't have something good to say then don't say it at all." my father says and I hold a laugh in. Alex was always getting lectures from my father. If my father wouldn't be there to tell him what not to do there isn't any telling where he would be right now.

"Is that the place we are supposed to stop at?" I asked breaking the tension Alexander was creating.

"Yes." my father replies as the carriage stops. Alexander helps me get out after him. I follow him and my father into the building. It was possibly the cleanest place I had ever seen. We walked down a hallway to a dining like room. There was a table in the middle of it and it was set with clean white dishes. Right as I'm done looking around the room the door opens again. I turn around to see two new men standing there.

"Mr. Jefferson welcome home."

My father greeted him along with Alexander. I could already tell that this meeting would be interesting. Thomas hadn't looked thrilled to see Hamilton. James Madison was coughing behind Jefferson as everyone was greeting him.

We all took our seats but before it officially started Alexander leaned over to whisper something in my ear,"They treat him like a celebrity. He's so stuck up."

I laugh at his remark then receive a look from my father telling me to behave myself and try to control Alex.

We went onto having a nice dinner. It was peaceful most likely because Alex never made a noise. I could tell he wanted to.

Dishes were taken back to where they came from leaving a clean table. Without any further interruptions my father cleared his throat.

"Now I hope you're all ready for the cabinet meeting."


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