Chapter 22

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"I gave him another chance." I told Peggy as we sat on the grass in my backyard.  She had come over before I would go to Thomas' home for dinner tonight.

"Really? I think that you could do better."

I glared at her after those words left her mouth. 

"But it was your decision." She said putting her hands in the air as defense,"I just hope he doesn't do what he did last time to you again."

"He won't." I said to her as the breeze blew.

"Is Alexander okay with it?" She asked.

"I honestly dont care what he thinks. I don't need his permission."

Peggy laughed a little,"Eliza said that he's been acting different lately."

"God bless Eliza." I sighed.

"What do you think his problem is? Eliza said he's been writing even more than usual." She said.

"I didn't think that was possible." I laughed.

"I don't know. Whatever he's working on he must be really passionate about it." Peggy stated.

"He's so immature." I rolled my eyes at the thought of that cheating and lying Hamilton.

"I should probably get going. You have that date don't you?" Peggy smirked a bit and smiled as someone came running over to us.

They were a bit out of breath but they were holding onto some papers,"Excuse me but could I take a moment of your time Ms. Washington?"

"Um, sure. Is everything all right?" I asked the man while Peggy looked at me confused and freaked out.

"What are your thoughts on the pahmplet?" He asked.

"What pahmplet?" I asked confused. Peggy was now standing next to me in the grass.

"Alexander Hamilton's pahmplet. How's his wife? What about the mistress?" The man asked me. 

"Mistress?" Peggy questioned eyes wide.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." I said to the man as well as Peggy as I went back up to the house. Peggy trailed behind a little but stopped following me as I shut the door. She was saying something but I couldn't hear her with my heart beating in my chest.

I was mad. I was furious. I haven't even seen the pahmplet but I already know what it's about. I know it's not good.

Eliza must feel horrible right now. The thought of her in pain brought tears to my eyes. All of the kids must be so confused right now.

I bet Hamilton is out there acting like nothing happened. That jerk. How could he possibly do this. The pahmplet must've been what he was working on this whole time. And that's what he meant by "everyone will know" that night.

My heart ached for Eliza and the children. Tears went down my face as the room was quiet. Their world will never be the same now.


I collected myself up more and held onto the counter in front of me with my back towards the person I already identified as my father.

"Did you know about the affair?" He asked making my heart stop.

"Yes." I replied still facing away from him.

"You didn't come and tell me? Y/N that man shouldn't have been working for me while he was having an affair. How could you not tell me?" He said sounding angry.

"How could I not tell you? It isn't my job to tell you dad. Hamilton was the one that should've told you. For heaven sake he couldn't even tell his wife before telling the whole world. Alexander did this himself. He's the one that had the affair. I shouldn't be in the middle of this. There's nothing we can do now. Don't get mad at me for other people's actions." I said to him now looking him in the face.

"Don't talk to me like that I'm your father." Is all he replied.

"I can't take this anymore." I said through my teeth.

"What?" He questioned.

"I can't live here anymore. I can't tell you everything like you want me to. I need to grow up. Staying here isn't helping me be my own person." I told him and he was taken back by the words.


He walked out of the kitchen and left me there. That's all he had to say. I screamed a little and bit the counter. My hand stung a bit but I didn't care.

Here I am getting blamed for someone's actions. This is bull shit.

I walked to the living area and layed down on the couch. Maybe if I just get a little rest it'll all go away. Well that's not possible but I can try to ignore it for awhile.

But then again I have to find a place to stay now and I've made,my father mad. Alexander's being an ass and now it's out there to the whole world. Tears came to my eyes again.

This morning I didn't think that anything bad would happen. I was actually excited for the day but now,I just want to get away from here. I'll eventually have to leave here at some point soon. I'll get a job and be on my own. That's a scary thought right now.

I just want to get through this and be okay. I've got to be okay. I repeated in my head as my eyes started getting droopy and sleepy.

I've got to be okay.


YAY! Oh my gosh I've updated! Shit actually did happen this chapter.
I also hope that you guys like my new book covers. 😊
I'm going to try and update again tonight so send me a message or a comment and tell me to get it done. <3

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