Chapter 19

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The bar was filled with people. It seemed like we arrived just as everyone else were. Peggy and I had just entered the bar at around 8 o'clock since Peggy was late.

Somehow Peggy was able to get us drinks within the first 10 minutes.

"Now remember Y/N, tonight is supposed to be about letting go. What I mean by that is forgetting that loser Jefferson. I think someone already likes you." Peggy said then slightly nodding towards her right.

At first I rolled my eyes at her. How am I supposed to forget a guy that I still love? Peggy then gave me another look basically pressuring me into looking towards the direction she nudged at earlier.

"That one." Peggy pointed out a little but better,"Looks like he's here with friends. Maybe he'll come and talk to you. He'd be a fool if he didn't."

To my surprise the guy she pointed out was really good looking. What he's wearing doesn't look very cheap either. I wonder where he gets his money from.


Oh no.

"Peggy he's coming over I think." I panicked quietly.

"Told you he would." She said to me then winked.

"But I don't-"

"Hi." The man said now standing right in front of me. I glance towards where Peggy was standing a minute ago to see an empty space. Damn you Peggy.

"Hello." I said trying not to look very surprised or nervous.

"My names Jack. What's your name?" Jack asked me.

"Oh, uh Y/N" I stumbled over my words a bit. He was really attractive up close like this. With his almost black eyes and dark hair.

"Nice to meet you uh Y/N." He smirked.

"Very funny." I said.

"Where'd your friend go?" Jack asked.

"I'm not sure. I can go find her." I nodded towards him realizing that he was really looking at Peggy.

"No no no. I came over here to talk to you."

I paused for a moment looking at him,"Are you sure?"

He laughed a little,"Yes I'm sure. I came over here to talk to you. You're very pretty. The prettiest one here I believe."

"You're a flirty one aren't you?" I asked him smirking.

"Not usually." Jack said,"I just like to state my opinion and what I believe."

"So what you believe is that I'm the prettiest one here?"

"Interesting isn't it?" He smiled.

"You know what's more interesting?"

"What's that?"

"The fact that my friend left me all alone to talk to a stranger." I said to him.

"You might need new friends." he joked.

"Hey! I like her, well sometimes. I don't like when she leaves me by myself to talk to some guy named Jack." I told him which made him laugh a little,"I'll be lucky if I can find her here by the end of tonight."

"I'll help you if you need it." Jack smiled.

"Jack I might need to take that offer." I laughed.


So this is like half a chapter and the other will be up tomorrow I'm just so tired right now that I can't finish this but I'm going to publish it anyways. NEXT CHAPTER which originally was going to be the ending if this chapter is going to be maybe sad. Yeah sad. May cause anger. But don't worry. This is still a Jefferson x Reader. What kind of person would I be if I made you date another person other than Jefferson??

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