Chapter 14

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I arrived at Monticello around 5 o'clock. On the whole entire ride over here I was just hoping that he would be here. What if he was in a meeting or just anywhere else. 

'Calm down Y/N. It's going to be fine.' I told myself before walking up to the door and knocking on it. It was then quickly answered by one of the maids. 

"Excuse me, I was just wondering if Mr. Jefferson was available at this time. Would you please tell him I am here. I'm Y/N."

The girl nodded and told me to come in while I waited. It wasn't long after that when I looked down the hall to see Thomas. I took a deep breath before I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

I turned around and seemed to be lost for words. All I came here for was to apologize and try and get a second chance. Now thinking that over it seems like a much harder task then I thought.

"Hello?" Thomas asked waving a hand past my face.

"Oh um, sorry. I-"

"Are you okay?" he asked cutting of my rambling.

I looked at the ground at my feet then back up at him,"Yeah. I just came here to talk to you really quick maybe."

"I'm listening." Thomas replied. 

"Thomas, I'm sorry for last night. I didn't know how to respond and I just didn't mean anything. I shouldn't have shut the door on you." 

He stood there for a moment not saying anything. This must've been how Thomas felt when he apologized to me. Slowly a warm smile appears on his face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You shouldn't be saying sorry Y/N. You had every right to react like that. I was stupid to think you would accept my apology." 

"But Thomas I do accept your apology. You were just trying to fix things and I wasn't letting you but that was wrong of me to push you out."

"Y/N you are here now and that's all that matters." Thomas said smiling down at me.

"So we're okay?" I asked.

"Of course. You know I'm never going to leave you."

I laughed at his cuteness and he grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry to say this but I have to return to a meeting. Although I do wish I could just spend the rest of the day with you. I promise you that I will come see you soon." Thomas said looking into my eyes.

"Okay. You better not make me wait to long." I said making him laugh then having it be broken by another voice.

"Thomas what are you doing?" 

I looked to see Aaron Burr coming towards us. Instantly something didn't feel right. Especially after last time. I swear if James Madison comes walking down the hall I will probably break. The look on Thomas' face definitely didn't read happy and it seemed as if he was alarmed. 

"Why are you meeting with him?" I whispered in his ear quickly before Burr reached us. Of course not allowing him to reply. I didn't realize it right away but I was breathing faster than usual. There was obvious tension where we were standing.

"I'm sorry Aaron. I was just on my way back. Will you give me a moment?" Thomas asked politely and Aaron nodded going back to the meeting room. I just turned to look at him waiting for an answer to my question.

"Y/N it's not what you think." he said.

"That's the truth?"

"I promise. That's the truth."

"It better be."


Update since like forever! And now story time!

So from that 'X' update a lot of people were worried and obviously I should probably tell you what happened at least a little. Here it is :

Lately I hadn't been talking to my best friend of 3 years because she had began to be a little bit meaner to me even though she maybe didn't mean to so I mean both of us were the cause of this. But I had snapchatted her to say I was sorry about that and not talking to her. Then she replied something along the lines of "I just know that we can't be best friends anymore." 

I think I saw this coming but in the way that it was said it really just made my heart shatter because I've spent so much time with this person and to have them put it so simply in a text as if it didn't really matter hurt the most. I definitely could go into to more depth on this but I would rather focus on right now and moving on and being happy. 

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