Chapter 17

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"I can't believe it's been this long since your father has been in office. It feels like we became a nation just yesterday." Eliza said to me as we were both sharing a conversation at my father's send off party or whatever you would call it.

Everyone was here that had worked with my dad from time to time. Citizens had even written a few letters to him thanking him for his service to our country. Although this should be a joyous time it's hard to be happy when the new election has started. Thomas and John Adams don't really agree on much. But the only way I would know that is Alexander.

I take back what I stated earlier. Not everyone was here. Thomas had yet to show up and we've been here for hours. My father actually seems upset. How could he not when a member of his own cabinet doesn't even show up to tell him something nice. Even a thank you would be enough but no.

People had already started to leave almost an hour ago and you could tell that everyone was getting tired or just getting drunk. I looked across the room to see my father still a bit disappointed.

"I'll be right back Eliza. I'm going to go speak with my dad." I told Eliza getting up out of my seat.

"That's okay. I should probably get Alexander and the kids ready to leave. If I let him stay any longer he's bound to do something bad." she said and I laughed at her last statement then told her goodbye. I watched her walk over to get Alexander and my eyes caught his. He still hasn't told Eliza about the affair and my bet is that he still sees that girl.

I looked away from where him and Eliza were and walked over to my father,"He still hasn't showed up?" I asked him.

He immediately knew who I was talking about and shook his head no,"I'm sure there is a reason Y/N."

"Dad he didn't even send a letter and I know we sent out an invitation for him." I said to him getting a little worked up.

"Maybe Alexander was right for once." I said under my breath.

"What did you just say?" he asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"What was Alexander right about?"

I sighed looking my dad in the eyes,"Maybe Thomas Jefferson isn't as good of a person I thought he was."

"Mr. Washington!"

We both turned around to see who yelled towards us and to our surprise it was actually him.

"I am very sorry I am late. I had got caught up in some business. How are things going?" Thomas said with a smile standing in front of us.

My father smiled at Thomas,"It's alright. We're just getting ready to go home in a little while. I'm glad you're here Mr. Jefferson."

"Thank you for everything Mr. Washington. I hope that we will still stay in touch." Thomas replied.

I smiled at both of them,"I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to go home."

"How are you going to get there? We came here with your mother in one carriage." Father said to me.

"I can walk. It's not far from here. Just down the road a little." I replied and he nodded. I told him goodbye and left to walk home.

I had just started walking away from the building when I heard someone coming towards me,'Do I even want to look?' I thought.


I looked up to see Thomas again,"Hi."

"Your Father asked me to walk you home." he said walking along my side.

"I'm capable of walking myself home Thomas. Go back to the party my father has been waiting for you to come all day and you've left within the first 5 minutes." I told him.

He was silent for a few minutes before speaking up,"I'm sorry Y/N."

"For what?"

"I haven't contacted you in a while. I should've but I just got so busy." he said and almost rolled my eyes at his response.

"It's fine Thomas. We always knew this would happen right?" I laughed a little. For once in his life Alexander was right.

"Can't we work this out? Y/N please I really like you. Please."

"You really like me? Last time we talked you loved me. You've already taken that back I see." I said to him and we both stopped walking to look at each other in the face.

"No. That's not what I meant Y/N."

"Seems like you might have commitment issues Thomas. Maybe you should rethink your running for election cause if you can't commit to this relationship how the hell are you going to commit to this country."

I started walking again but no one was by my side. I smiled to myself. It felt like I had just one something.

Maybe I never needed Thomas after all.


I only have 2 more finals on Monday!!! Yay!!!

Alright now listen up! Or read up I guess? Wait no don't read up read on or down?? Anyways!

My best friend/wife/mom ( Sincerely-Ginger ) needs your help! Yes you! You freaking amazingly beautiful person! What does she need help on you may ask? She needs help on deciding on a cover for her freaking awesome book in the works!

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