Chapter 16

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"Dad?" I knocked lightly on his office's door. 

"What is it Y/N? Come in." he said looking up from his desk. I walked in towards the chair and realized that his office didn't have as much stuff in it as usual. 

"Is it true? Is Jefferson resigning? I haven't talked to him in at least a month because he's been so busy. What's happening?" I asked him sitting on the edge of the chair.

"Yes it is true. I thought he would be the one to tell you." my father said to me setting his work aside. 

"But what is really happening? What happened to some of your stuff in here?" 

He sighed before continuing with what he was saying,"Y/N I've been meaning to tell you this. Please stay calm." 

I nodded letting him continue.

"I'm going to retire soon. It's been a long journey to get to where we are right now but I feel like it's my time to let someone else take care of this nation we've made." he said and I was left sitting there dumbfounded.

"I'll see you at home." is all I said before getting up to leave. I was actually sad and maybe disappointed. Who's going to run for office now? It seems like everyone is shutting me out. Alexander has avoided me since that run in at his home. Thomas has ignored me. I know he has a lot of work but a letter would be nice every now and then. Eliza is the only one I've actually been able to have a conversation with since they returned from upstate. 

Everything is changing and no one is here to help me. It's like time is passing me by and I'm still doing nothing. 

I quickly tried to hurry out of the building only to run into something or well someone.

"Y/N what happened?"

I looked up to see Alexander with a worried expression on his face. A sincere one. Not one that reads don't tell my wife I have a mistress I'll be screwed worried.

"I'm fine." I said to him trying to walk away quickly only to be stopped by his hand grabbing my arm.

"What's really going on?" he asked.

"I honestly don't know anymore." I said to him avoiding looking into his eyes. Even the atmosphere is different around us. 

"Was it Jefferson? I swear-" 

"Stop." I cut him off,"Do you even care about me anymore or the gossip you want me to give you about some stupid guy you actually work with?"

Hamilton stood without any words to say for once. Maybe he's finally thinking for once in his life. 

"When will you learn that your actions and words have consequences?" I asked him before walking away and going out of the building. It was a nice day so I walked over to one of the many trees near the building. 

I slumped down against it closing my eyes. Alexander didn't even deny that he was using me for his  petty gossip. He hates Jefferson so much that it seems he cares more about Jefferson than me. That shouldn't even make sense but somehow right now it does. 

And stupid Thomas. Now that I think about it he seemed to want gossip from me too. I never wanted this to happen. 

What hurts most is that he said he loved me the last night we were together. You don't just tell someone you love them and then leave them. 

Our relationship is a house of cards.

We both built it up and now it's beginning to fall. 


I honestly have no idea what is going to happen next.
maybe you guys will break up? 
but what about your dad?
and Alexander still? wow.

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