Chapter 5

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The day started off slow but before I knew it I was standing in front of Monticello. This place is pretty big. I looked around a little of the outside landscape then walk up to the front doors. I go to knock but before I can Thomas opens the door. 

"Hello Y/N." he said smiling. 

I have to admit he does have a beautiful smile,"Good evening Thomas."

"I've planned for us to have dinner in about 20 minutes. Would you like to take a walk outside? The sun should be setting soon. Or if you are interested I can show you some of the artwork I have collected from France. It's such a beautiful country." 

I think for a moment before replying,"I would love to see the artwork. I've always wanted to travel across the ocean."

He smiled and outstretched his arm,"That's sounds perfect Y/N. It's this way." 

Thomas grabs my hand and leads me down the big halls of Monticello until he opens a door. On the other side were walls with beautiful paintings. It was amazing. 

"I acquired all of these from my 5 years in France. I had no idea you wanted to travel. Especially that far." he said as I looked at the paintings on the wall.

"My father says that I should just be happy here and that our ancestors spent to much time getting over here for me to go back with no important reason." I said.

"Maybe someday I could take you there. I know my way around the country and I hope that Mr. Washington would trust me with you. Of course right now wouldn't be the greatest timing with some of the people wanting a revolution." Thomas said. 

I smiled at his proposal,"That would be amazing Thomas. Are you glad to be back here and home?" 

"I'm adjusting right now. With work and some other things it's just slowly coming together. I do miss France but now I get to work with an amazing man. Mr. Washington is a very smart man and I am very lucky to be working for him. I even got to meet you." Thomas smiled. Right after there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Jefferson dinner is ready earlier than expected." someone said. Thomas thanked them and led me out of the room back down the halls. We then reached the beautiful dining area. He pulled out my chair letting me sit down as he did as well.

Dinner was already in front of us on expensive white glass plates. We both began eating making it silent for awhile. 

'This is a bit awkward.' I thought to myself,'Oh great that just made it even more awkward. Maybe I should just say something.'

"This is very good. Thank you." I say.

"Your welcome Y/N. Thank you for accepting my invitation for you to come tonight. It's been so great to have your company. I hope you will come again." Thomas replied back.

I took a drink before replying,"I would love to come again. You have a beautiful home."

"I'm glad you think so." he said then there was complete silence again as I finished eating the food. I took one last drink and he cleared his throat.

"Y/N, I really like you. I know it might be a little odd since we have just met and your father is my superior but it's true. It's okay if you don't feel the same. I just need to be honest with you." Thomas said making my heart beat faster.

I smiled at him from across the table,"I like you too Thomas."

That simple reply caused Thomas to form a big grin on Thomas' face. We continued to talk for a little while before it was getting really dark. 

"Let me walk you out." Thomas grabbed my hand and led me to a carriage. He told them where to take me and I said good night to Thomas. The carriage started going and I looked back after we were almost getting out of sight from Monticello. Thomas was still standing there watching me leave. I continued to watch and see if he would go inside but he didn't the whole time.


I have no clue if the real Thomas Jefferson had artwork from France but he does in this story. Thanks so much for the motivation it was awesome. Some a bit scary and hilarious. I loved it! Thanks for reading this chapter!

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