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A /N: Please ignore any grammatical mistake

On the airport:

Ash: Please Clemont come with us please.

Clemont: You know i would if i could.

Serena: Please Clemont reconsider your decision.

Clemont: Please Serena don't make this more hard then it already is you know i have to reopen Lumiose gym after that Team Flare fiasco but i promise i will be in touch with both of you.

Ash: It's alright Clemont we understand your concern.

Serena: But please stay in touch.

Bonnie: Ash! will we ever meet again?

Ash: Yeah! Bonnie why not? we will meet again and we will have a Pokemon Battle.

Bonnie: Promise?.

Ash: Promise.

Bonnie: Serena will you come and meet us at our home?.

Serena: Bonnie you know i would.

All passengers please report to 2nd terminal.

Clemont: I guess this is it.

Ash: Yeah! It was an honor travelling with you guys.

Clemont: Pleasure is all ours.

Bonnie: (Burst into tears) Please don't do.

Clemont: Bonnie i have told you they have to.

Bonnie: (While still crying) Please stay in touch.

Serena hugs Bonnie and then leaves with Ash.

End of chapter-1

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