Battle of the eternal rivals

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Hey guys welcome back this is my very first time writing a battle scene so tell me how was it :) Enjoy.

"Pikachu use quick attack" Ash ordered.

"Dodge it" Gary orders Machamp but Pikachu was too fast and hit him directly.

"That was quick" Gary admired pikachu's speed but we're not giving up "Machamp use brick break" Gary ordered his Pokemon.

"Dodge it by jumping in the air then use iron tail" Ash order his buddy pikachu.

"Catch his tale" Gary shouts, Machamp catches Pikachu tail.

"I knew you would do that electro-ball" Ash orders Pikachu.

"What?" Gary shouts in panic.

"Machamp is unable to battle Ash's Pikachu wins" Anabel declares winner.

"Great as always" Gary claps in admiration "But we will win for sure" he continued.

"Hey buddy i think i should show him greninja what do you think? Ash asked Pikachu, Pikachu nodded in reply "Alright return" Ash returns his Pikachu "Go Hawlucha" Ash orders his pokemon to come out and battle.

"Come on out Gyarados" Gary called out his Pokemon.

"Battle begins" Anabel shouts.

"X-scissor" Ash order Hawlucha as Hawlucha came closer to gyarados "Twister" Gary order his Pokemon, the twister hits Hawlucha and sents him flying back his HP was almost down "Can you continue?" Ash asked Hawlucha "Chaa" he nooded "Ok Hawlucha use break break" hawlucha was fast and hit gyarados directly "You okay?" Gary asked his Pokemon, Gyarados nodded.

"Now let's get serious shall we! Gyarados Mega Evolve" Gary order his pokemon to mega evolve, Gyarados mega evolves.

"Wow you can mega-evolve your Gyarados" Ash admires Gary mega-evolved Gyarados.

"Hyper Beam" Gary order his mega Gyarados, the hyper beam was very powerful as Hawlucha didn't have any place to dodge and the hyper beam hit's him directly.

"Hawlucha is unable to battle Gary's gyarados wins" Anabel declare winner.

Ash returns Hawlucha to his poke-ball "Okay buddy let's finish this" Ash orders pikachu to step in battlefield.

"Battle Begins" Anabel shouts.

"Alright buddy use thunderbolt" "Gyarados use overheat" both moves collides and fills whole arena with smoke "Pikachua now's are chance use quick attack and then electro-ball" Ash orders Pikachu , Pikachu nodded and sprints towards Gyarados and hit him and then Pikachu jumps in the air and uses electro-ball hitting him directly as the smoke clears Gyarados was fainted.

"Gyarados is unable to battle Ash's pikachu wins" Anabel declare winner.

"You and your Pikachu is something out of this world" Gary said.

"Thanks Oak Tree" Ash said.

"Ok Blastoise you're up" Gary calls his last pokemon out.

"Let's finish this" Ash said to Pikachu.

"Battle Begins" Anabel shouts.

"Blastoise use skull bash" order Gary, Blastoise was very fast and hit Pikachu directly.

"Pikachu is unable to battle Blastoise wins" Anabel said declaring winner.

"You fought well buddy" Ash said patting his pokemon "Okay greninja show them our true power" Ash called out his last pokemon form his poke-ball.

"Battle Begin" Anabel shouts.

"Greninja use cut" Ash orders "Protect" Gary orders his pokemon and green colored shield appear in front of Blastoise and protected him from cut "Greninja use double-team and goes close to Blastoise" Ash order Greninja, his pokemon follows his trainer command.

"What is he trying to do?" Gary mumbled in confusion "Knock them out with Hydro-pump" Gary orders Blastoise, the hydro pump was about to hit real greninja "Now jump and use aerial ace" Ash orders , Greninja was fast and hit blastoise directly "Blastoise you okay mate?" Gary asked his pokemon, Blastoise nods "Blastoise let's show them our true power Mega-evolve" Gary orders Blastoise "Wow a mega Blastoise" Ash exclaimed "Greninja let's show them how strong we really are Stronger,Stronger,Stronger" , Ninja,Ninja,Greninja" a blue water vortex appear but quickly fades revealing a shuriken on Greninja back "What the hell is this?" Gary said confused "This is Ash-Greninja" Serena said.

"Greninja use aerial ace" Ash orders his pokemon, then just in a blink of an eye blastoise was down fainted.

"Blastoise is unable to battle which means Ash is the Winner" Anabel declears winner.

"Great battle guys" Serena said.

"Thanks" both Ash and Gary said in unison.

"That was some heated battle Ash and Gary like old days" said a familiar voice.

"Misty" Ash said running towards her and embrace her in a tight hug.

"Ash can't breath" Misty said.

"Sorry" Ash apologized.

"It's okay" Misty said.

"Come and meet my friends" Ash said.

"Okay" Misty said.

"Misty this is Serena and Serena this is Misty" Ash introduce Serena to Misty and Misty to Serena.

"And this is Anabel" Ash introduce her.

"Nice to meet you Anabel" Misty said.

"Nice to meet you too" Anabel said.

"Ash" a girl yelled with blonde hair whilst keep running towards he group.

End of chapter-11

Done.. Sorry for late update but here is a chapter so enjoy and point out my mistakes and one more thing i know these chapters are not so good lately but believe me the next chapter will be full of humor so please enjoy :)

Peace out :)

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