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Here's another chapter :) Enjoy and please point out my mistakes and help me to make this story better in future :)

"Anabel?" Ash said.

"Oh after all these years you still remember me i guess i am one lucky girl" Anabel said.

"Why don't you come in we're having breakfast" Ash said welcoming Anabel inside the house.

"Thank you" she said with a gentle simile.

"This way" Ash said pointing towards dining room.

"Mom my friend Anabel is here can she join us for breakfast?" Ash asked his mom.

"Sure why not" Delia replied.

Delia then stands up and go towards Kitchen to bring Anabel's food, She then sits down on chair.

"So Anabel what are you doing here in Kanto and why are you at my house so early?" Ash asked her.

"Well there's going to be a festival of vow where people and pokemon vow to stay together no matter what and they have asked me to come and give a speech and i am here so early because my hotel room isn't very well so i thought maybe i should come at your place" Anabel explained.

"Festival of vow i have heard about it, it's held in every 10 years and is one of the biggest festival that happens in whole world" Serena said.

"Yeah and i have to give a speech about love and bond" Anabel sighed.

"Well i am going what about you Serena?" Ash asked Serena.

"If you are going then i am going" she replies with a slight blush.

"Where and when is this festival?" Ash asked.

"12 days from now and is going to be held in Pallet town" Anabel said.

"Wow that means we and all of our friends can go there together" Serena said.

"Yeah that would be so amazing" Ash replied.

Then Delia came from kitchen with Anabel's meal "Here you go dig in" Delia said.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Ketchum" Anabel said.

"Oh please no need for any type of formality just call me Delia" Delia said with a smile.

"Ok Thank you so much Delia" Anabel said with a smile.

After breakfast they were sitting lounge discussing there journeys, there was a knock on door.

"I'll get it this time" Delia said walking towards door.

"Delia it's me Gary" Gary said from outside the house, Delia opens the door and greets Gary in.

"How are you Gary?" Delia asked.

"I'm great is Ashy-Boy up? Gary asked.

"Yup he's awake and is in lounge with Serena and Anabel" Delia replied.

"Thanks" Gary replied.

"Ashy-Boy" Gary shouts his name.

"OAK-TREE" Ash shouts back.

"Ashy-Boy" Gary shouts again.

"Oak-Tree" Ash shouts back.

After 20 minutes of shouting (In sponge-bob voice)

They sat down on couch panting.

"Ahh they finally stops" Serena said unplugging her handsfree.

"Serena how's your foot?" Gary asked.

"It's better now" Serena replied.

"Well our encounter yesterday wasn't goes very well so I'm Gary Oak grandson of Prof.Oak and i am a Pokemon researcher" Gary said with a toothy grin.

"I'm Serena Yvonne and i am a Pokemon Performer and a almost Kalos Queen" Serena said extending her arm.

"Nice to meet you Serena the almost Kalos Queen" Gary said shaking hands with Serena.

"Nice to meet you too Gary Oak" she said with a smile.

"Gary let's have a Pokemon battle like old days" Ash said.

"Sure but you know you can't beat me after all i am Gary Oak" Gary said proudly.

"Yeah we know who you are Oak Tree" Ash said sarcastically.

"Let's go" Gary said, everyone then go towards battlefield outside Ash's house.

"I'll be the referee" Anabel said running towards the battlefield.

"How about 3on3?" Gary said.

"Sounds Perfect" Ash replied.

"This will be a 3vs3 battle trainer will win if his opponent all 3 pokemons are unable to battle now Battle Begin" Anabel said.

"Ok buddy you're up" Ash said to Pikachu who nodded in response.

"Ok Machamp you're up" Gary said.

"Battle begin" Anabel said.

End of chapter-10

I know another cliffhanger but that makes story more interesting isn't it? xD Sorry for lack of amour in this chapter but you know this will be the start of real amour so just you guys wait xD

Peace Out :)

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