Poor Serena

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Welcome back :) I am really sorry for my delay in updating this book I was suffering from writer's block and now it's over so updates will be more frequent and hopefully good xD This book is in its last stage so expect some major plot twists xD and I am sorry for any grammatical mistake please point them out :) Enjoy :)


"SERENA" Ash yelled at top of his lungs but there wasn't any response from Serena.

"Serena please wake up" Ash shook her but she didn't budge.

Ash checked her pulse she was....alive but barely.

"Charizard come out" Ash called out his fire/flying type Pokemon.

"CHAAAR" Charizard roared.

"Charizard I want you to take us to nearest Pokemon Center as soon as possible" Ash ordered his faithful Pokemon.

"CHAAAR" Charizard nodded.

"Don't give up Serena! I believe in you" Ash said as he picked her up bridal style and then placed her on top of Charizard.

"Let's go Charizard," Ash said.

"CHAAAR" Charizard flapped his wings and took off.


"It's done, father" I reported.

"Well done" Father replied.

"Now, what's our next move?" I asked.

"We just have to keep an eye on his next move" Father answered.

"You know I could've just killed her" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry you will have your chance" He replied with a smirk.

"Don't you worry Serena I will soon set you free from this pathetic life of yours" I said inside my mind.


"Nurse Joy please help" I called her out loud.

"What happened to her?" She asked.

"I will explain everything later just treat her" I snapped at her.

"O-okay" She froze for a moment because of my sudden change in voice.

"I'm really sorry for that" I apologized.

"It's alright I understand," She said and took Serena inside a room.

30 Minutes later

Nurse Joy came running towards me while holding a slip in her hands.

"I need you to bring this medicine quickly," Nurse Joy said.

"Okay, but where can I find this medicine?" I asked.

"Just go straight and then turn left you will find an alley, you will figure out rest yourself" She explained.

"Alright," I said and bolted off the building.

It took me a while in finding that alley because there were A LOT OF ALLEYS in this town after like wasting 20 minutes I finally found that alley and bought the medicine Nurse Joy told me to buy, it took me additional 10 minutes to reach Pokemon Centre, as I came close to its entrance I saw Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy talking.

"Did something happened?" I asked.

"S-Serena is gone," Nurse Joy said.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE" I snapped at her.

"I'm s-sorry" Nurse Joy apologized.

"No, I'm sorry for snapping at you like this" I apologized.

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