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As i promised about the chapter, here it is :) Enjoy the chapter and tell me about it :) 

"Come Serena we are going to meet new neighbor" Grace yelled.

"I don't want to go anywhere i just want to meet Ash again" Serena yelled back from her room.

"We already have this talk like a million times so please just come downstairs" Grace yelled.

"I'm not coming" Serena yelled back.

"If you didn't came down in 2 minutes then i am coming up" Grace yelled.

After 5 minutes of waiting Grace decided to go upstairs and check on Serena.

"Serena i'm coming inside" Grace said and opened the door of Serena's room.

As she opens the door of the room she saw Serena sobbing on her bed.

"Serena darling i know you miss him but you know that we can't go to Kanto to meet him" Grace said in the most soft voice possible for her.

"B-but w-w-why?" Serena asked still sobbing.

"I can't tell you know that" Grace replied still with her soft voice.

"W-why?" Serena stutters.

"Because you are too young to understand" Grace replied.

"I'm not a kid you treat me like a one but i am not" Serena said while looking in Grace eyes.

"Enough now stand up and change i am waiting for you downstairs" Grace said.

"You know you can't hide it for much longer" Serena replied.

"Shut up and change" Grace said and leaves Serena's room.

After taking a shower and changing her cloths she came downstairs and both Grace and Serena leaves their house to meet the new neighbor.


"Coming" someone shouts from inside the house.

"Be good to neighbors Serena" Grace said to her daughter.

"Yeah whatever" Serena replied with irritated voice.

"Do i know you?" A man asked.

"We are your neighbors so i thought why not give you a visit and check if you need anything" Grace said.

"Oh thank you so much for your concern" He replied.

"It's nothing i think its our duty to check if someone needs help or not" Grace said.

"It's so nice of you, I'm sorry please come inside" He said.

"Thank you for having us" Grace said.

"It's a pleasure" He replied and smiled.

"I'm Grace Yvonne and she is my daughter Serena Yvonne" Grace exclaimed.

"I'm Giovanni" Giovanni said.

"Are you married?" Grace asked.

"I was but my wife passed away in a accident in Kanto" Giovanni replied.

"I'm sorry" Grace said.

"It's alright" Giovanni replied.

"Do you have any child?" Grace asked.

"Yeah i have a daughter" He answered.

"And where is she?" Grace asked.

"She is in Unova studying" He replied.

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