Bruises and Kisses I

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Sorry for late update. P.S Ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter and don't forget to like,vote and comment :) Enjoy.

"Ash be careful or you'll trip over yourself" Serena said in a concern tone "We're here" Ash said "Woah this really is a big ranch" Serena said in amazement. "Sure is" Ash replied while going inside the ranch as he just got inside the ranch trembling voice of Tauros start coming from outta nowhere but Ash didn't notice it because he was busy playing with "Bayleef" the voice was getting louder and louder "Ash looking there are Tauros behind your back" Serena shouts but Ash was too busy playing with his old partner he didn't notice that 30 Tauros was behind him "Ash run please run" Serena shouts but he didn't notice anything then Serena runs towards him to get him away from Tauros the moment Serena pushed Ash away a Tauros stepped on her foot "Aahh! my foot!" Serena yelled in pain" "What happened?" Ash asked in a concern tone" Tauros stepped on my foot" Serena said with tears in her eyes due to pain. Ash carries her bridal style and take her inside Prof.Oak lab. "Prof. Serena is hurt please help her" Ash shouts "What happened to her?" Prof.Oak asked "A Tauros stepped on her foot" Ash replied. Prof. examine her foot and sprays some spray to make it numb and gave her a sleeping pill so she can rest she quickly falls asleep. "How's her foot?" Ash asked in a concern tone. "Her foot is severely bruised it may took 3-5 days to get healed not fully but enough for her to enjoy party but you have to take care of her and make sure she stays in her bed most of the time resting she can walk but not for more then 2minutes give her pain killers when she is in pain" Prof.Oak instructs. "Understood" Ash replied. "Now you can take her to her room so she can rest properly". Prof.Oak said. Ash then pick her up bridal style then took her towards his house. "What happened to her?" Delia asked "One of my Tauros stepped on her foot she is asleep and i'm taking her to her room so she can rest" Ash replied Delia nods then Ash took her upstairs towards her room he placed her gently on her bed and places blanket on her. As he was about to leave her room he heard a voice "Ash you are my goal i will never betray you or do anything that will break your trust on me i LOVE YOU. He heard most of her words but couldn't hear her whole sentence because she was mumbling in her sleep but he did hear that "Ash you are my goal" part. He thinks for a moment but couldn't exactly come with a reason why she would say that he then leaves for his room and lays down on his bed thinking about his life and how grateful he is he didn't know but he also falls asleep.


(Ash P.O.V):

I woke up and looked over clock it was 5:48 AM " I slept like a horse" i thought the suddenly a growl comes form my stomach " I did skip dinner after all" i thought i came out of my room and go downstairs towards kitchen i opened fridge there was two plates covered with sheet and there was a paper attached to it it says " I knew you would woke up at night because you did skip dinner so i left your meal covered -Your Mum". "Thanks so much mom i love you" i mumbled. After heating food and eating it i thought that i should check on her to see if she is fine, when i came close to her room i saw door was opened as i get inside i glanced towards her bed she was still asleep i came close to her bed to put the blanket back on her properly " She looms so cute while sleeping" i thought i took a seat and placed it hear her bed watching her sleep was one of the greatest thing i have seen " How can a person be so peaceful?" i thought i looked over my watch it was 6:57 AM the sun was also dawning as the first beam of sun rays touched her face sparkles like a diamond i was going closer and closer to her then lean towards her and KISS her on her forehead.

End of chapter-7

This chapter also comes towards it's end xD i am really loving writing this book i hope you guys are loving reading it so please read,vote,comment and ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter.

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