A Double Date?

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I know that my chapters are not that good recently so i decided to do something that wasn't in my plan, So this date scene was not my plan for now but i came up with something good so i thought i should take the risk so i took it and now i don't know how good this chapter is but it was the best i could do at the moment because my life is a total disaster right now because of my female friend i am really sorry if it was bad but i am trying my very best so please tell me how it was by messaging me or commenting :) Enjoy the chapter.

"Anabel come here" Calem calls her.

"Coming" Anabel replied and came running towards Calem.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Calem asked her.

"Y-yes" Anabel said shyly.

"Alright then we will go to Fuchsia city" Calem said.

"Alright" Anabel replied shyly.


"Serena i'm back" Ash yelled as he enter inside the house.

"Okay so we still have some time left you can rest a little while i'm gonna go change and grab my stuff" Serena said.

"As you wish madam" Ash said and winks at her.

"S-shut u-up" Serena stutters but manages to reply and heads upstairs.


"Are you ready Anabel?" Calem yelled.

"Yes i'm almost done" Anabel yelled back from her room.

"You are saying that for last 30 minutes" Calem mumbles.

"Well it is worth wait after all this will be massive step towards my vengeance" Calem thought and starts laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Anabel asks coming down from stairs.

"Oh it's nothing i just remember something and by the way you look good" Calem said.

"T-thank y-you" Anabel replied with a slight blush.


"BIG BROTHER" a girl with blonde hair yelled.

"Yes Bonnie?" Clemont said stretching his arms.

"We will land in few minutes so wake up" Bonnie said.

"Oh thank you for waking me up" Clemont said.


"Trevor stop taking pictures of that Larvitar" Shauna yelled.

"Just some more" Trevor pleaded.

"We will gonna be late because of your God damn photos" Shauna yelled.

"Alright just don't go all berserk" Trevor said.

"Quit fighting we don't have much time" Tierno said from behind.

"I swear to Arceus if we get late i'm gonna break your camera" Shauna said.

"We are not getting late we still have 2 hours left" Trevor said.

"Oh...i didn't notice the time... i guess i am really excited to meet Serena again" Shauna said.

"It's alright now let's go" Trevor said.


"H-how do i l-look Ash?" Serena asks shyly.

"Y-you look s-stunning" Ash replied.

"T-thank y-you Ash" Serena said.

"So are you all ready to go?" Ash asked.

"Yes i am" Serena replied.

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