Reunion and Start of a Trouble

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Hey guys welcome back :) Here is a long chapter then usual for achieving a simple milestone of 100 reads :) Thank you so much guys.Please ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter.

Gary: Hey Ashy-Boy longtime no see (Notices a girl with Ash holding his hand) Oh! Ashy Boy has finallygot a girlfriend.

Ash and Serena both lookedat each other and blushes really hard Serena let's go his hand and both says inunity "No we are not a couple".

Serena: Hi I am Serena niceto meet you.

Gary: Gary is the name!Come in guys!.

Ash: Where's mom?

Gary: At the lab with gramps.

Ash: Let's go meet herSerena.

Serena: Sure! Coming!.

Gary: Hey wait a minute beauty!.

Serena: Huh? Yes?.

Gary: You single?.

Serena: (with a confused look) Yes and why you ask that?.

Gary: (With the best face he can make) You see i'm single too.

Serena: (Still confused) So?. 

Gary: Would you be my girlfriend? (his face turns into desperate one).  

Ash: Screw you "OakTree" she's just got here treat her politely would you? (His face turns into Angry one).

Gary: You were eavesdropping us?. (slightly embarrassed).

Ash: Yeah m8! I heard itall.

Serena: (Great now Ash would think i'm not a good person) let's go Ash.

Ash: Sure!.

Serena: I'm sorry Ash i didn't mean to do anything wrong or anything that would hurt you ( Tears starts running down from her eyes).

Ash: It's not your faultit's just how Gary is and i know you wouldn't do anything that will hurt me or neither i will do anything that will hurt you (wipes her tears).

Serena: (I can't hold it much longer i have to do it) leans in and "KISSES" Ash on cheeks.

Ash: (Blushes) What was that for?.

Serena: My way of thanking you (Blushes).

Ash: I didn't do anythingto be thanked for.

Serena: You make me realize something.

Ash: And what's that?.

Serena: It's a secret.

Ash: That's not fair tell me.

Serena: When the right time comes you will be the first person to know it.

Ash: Now can we go i really want to meet my pokemons. (Blushes madly).

Serena: Sure!.

They arrived at Prof.OakLab.

Ash: Prof.Oak, mom i'm home.

Prof.Oak: Oh! Hi Ash how you doing? And who might this young lady be?.

Ash: I'm doing great Prof.And this is Serena she is my travelling companion we have traveled across Kalos.

Serena: Nice to meet you professor. traveled.

Prof.Oak: Pleasure all mine.

Ash: Prof. Do you know where mom is?.

Then suddenly a pair of hands cover Ash eyes.

Ash: Mom is that you?

Serena says from behind Yes!.

Ash: Oh! Mom i missed youso much!.

Mr.Mime: Mime!!! Mr.Mime.

Ash: (Freaksout) Ahh! Mr.Mime what are you doing here and where is mom?.

Serena and Prof.Oak burst into laughter.

Prof.Oak: Delia has gone to market to buy some groceries i wanted.

Then a voice came Prof.Oak I'm home i have bring all the groceries you wanted.

Ash: Mom is that you?

Delia: Ash! My son you are home! (Hugs Ash very tightly).

Ash: Mom can't breath!!!.

Delia: Sorry Ash! I'm just so excited to see you.(Notice a honey-blondegirl) And who might this fine young lady be?.

Serena: Hi! I am Serena! Nice to meet you Mrs.Ketchum.

Delia: Nice to meet you too Serena and please just call me Delia.

Then suddenly there was an explosion near Ash's house.

Everybody runs towards the house there was a figure standing.

???: I will get you Ketchup this time.

End of Chapter 5

Phew!!! This chapter was long from my standards xD Please read,Vote,Comment :).

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