Return of the Perv

663 21 41

Here you go an update :) Enjoy the chapter and point out my mistakes :)

We join the gang after they arrives from a restaurant in Celadon City.

"Hey Ash why isn't Brock here yet?" Misty asked Ash.

"I don't know he said he will be there yesterday but i guess he isn't coming" Ash replied.

"Call him and ask him" Misty said.

"Alright madam" Ash said.

"Who is this Brock guy?" Serena asked.

"So who wants to tell her?" May asked.

"I will" Dawn paused then continue "You see Brock has traveled with all of us, he has traveled with Ash through out Kanto,Johto,Hoenn and Sinnoh" Dawn explained.

"Wow he must be a very close friend" Serena said.

"He is not like a friend he is more like a brother" Misty said.

"Ash you said you have traveled through Unova too but where is your Unova traveling companions?" Serena asked.

"Well you see both of them won't be able to make it because the girl Iris has some conflict going on in her village and the boy Cilan is a connoisseur so he is somewhere and because of that he couldn't come" Ash replied.

"Oh! I really wanted to meet them" Serena said.

"I'm sure you will meet them Serena don't worry" Ash said with a smile.

"I-if you said so" Serena replied with a smile of her own.

"I'm going to bed see you tomorrow everyone" Gary said.

"I am going too" Misty said.

"I think we all should go and get some sleep" Ash said and everyone nodded.


"Serena i am going for a walk would you like to come with me?" Ash asked.

"Sure" Serena replied and they head outside for a walk.

(Serena P.O.V):

"So Serena are you liking your stay?" Ash asks me.

Without hesitation i replied "Yes Ash i am loving it".

"Thank God you are liking it" Ash said.

"Not liking it loving it" i said.

"Yeah loving it" Ash said with a smile "So Serena do you want to train with me daily? he asked.

"Yes Ash i would love to train with you" i replied him with a smile.

"We can start right now if you want to" he asks.

"Yes Ash we can start right now because i haven't train in a long time so i need to get back in rhythm" i replied.

"You sure are enthusiastic" he said.

And then i started to feel warm and my cheeks started to get red so i hide it with my hair because i didn't wanted Ash to see that i was blushing.

"I-i guess i have got that from o-our journey" i managed to say.

"Yeah we all our have really changed from our journey" he said.

"So where are we gonna train?" i asked him.

"In Viridian forest" he replied.

"Alright let's go there" i said.

"Actually we are here" he replied.

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