Dawn of the new Paul (Girls P.O.V)

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Another update because of new year :) Enjoy and have a good time :)

"Umm...from Kalos i think maybe i know him" Serena said.

"And who that person might be?" Ash asks.

"I'm not sure so we have to wait" Serena replied.

"I hate waiting" Ash groaned.

"Oh Ash you act so childish some times" Dawn said.

"Hey you guys it's 5:00 PM right now and we need a girl talk so just get out of here" Misty exclaimed.

"Relax lady we are going just keep cool and don't take out your mallet" Gary said.

"I will not take out my mallet if you guys leave immediatly" Misty replied.

"Paul,Ash let's go for a walk" Gary said and both of nodded and head outside for a walk.

"So what is the purpose of this girl talk?" Serena asked.

"Nothing in particular but i just wanted to know about everyone crushes" Misty replied.

"So who wanna go first?" Misty continued.

"I'll start" May said.

"Yeah go on" Misty said.

"Well i don't have a crush on anyone i actually have a boyfriend" May exclaimed.

"Who?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Drew the person i'm going to meet today" May replied.

"Can we meet him?" Serena asks.

"I'll have to ask him because he don't like to be around of many peoples" May replied.

"Oh A shy baby" Misty said.

"Yeah he is a little shy but once you guys get to know him you guys will start liking him too" May replied.

"Tell us more about him" Dawn said.

"He's a co-ordinator just like me and have a classy personality" May replied.

"So from how long you guys are couple?" Misty asks.

"5 months to be exact" May replied.

"So who will go next?" Misty asks.

"I will" Anabel said.

"Okay! go on" Misty said.

"Well you see i lied something the person who i am bringing along with me is my boyfriend" Anabel said.

"Why did you lie about it?" Dawn asked.

"Because if i would've said that i am in a relation and is bringing my boyfriend with me maybe Ash wouldn't have given me permission" Anabel exclaimed.

"And why wouldn't he?" May asked.

"I don't know i just thought that" Anabel replied.

"Anyway tell us more about him" Dawn said.

"As i did tell you about him earlier he is a trainer and a very strong one he manages to defeat me 6-2 when he challenged me and he is from Kalos and have won every league has has participated in" Anabel exclaimed.

"Wow he seems so strong" Dawn said.

"But what about his principal of battling those he deemed worthy?" May asks.

"When i asked him about it he said that it's connected to his past and don't want to talk about it" Anabel said.

"So you don't know about it?" Misty asked.

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