Together Alone

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Hey guys welcome back :) Please enjoy this chapter and ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter. Please comment your thoughts on how i can make this story better :)

Ash: How long will it take to reach Kanto?

Serena: Approximately 15 hours i guess.

Ash: Oh man! it sure is a long flight!

Serena: Ash!

Ash: Yes?

Serena: You know that purple haired girl is constantly looking towards you.

Ash: Now that you have mention it i think that too.

Serena: Creepy isn't it? 

Ash: Is she still looking?

Serena: Nope she is talking with some guy with green hair.

Ash: Is that guy is wearing a cap?

Serena: Yup! Do you know them?

Ash: I'm afraid so.

Serena: Who are they?

Ash: That guy with green hair his name is N he is leader of an organization called Team Plasma they had a motive of creating a separate world for Pokemon and Humans.

Serena: That's pure evil.

Ash: Yeah! And that purple haired girl her name is Anabel she is a frontier brain and have ability to sense the emotions of living beings and one more important thing she has a CRUSH on me.

Serena: ( She will be sorried that she ever gets near my Ashy) Oh!

Ash: Serena you there? (in a concerned tone)

Serena: Oh! I'm sorry (slightly embarrassed)

Ash: (She does look cute when she is in her thoughts) It's alright!

Serena: They are together don't you think they might be plotting something?

Ash: God know what they are up to.

Serena: I am pretty tired i think i should take a nap.

Ash: Yeah go on.

Serena: I think you should rest too.

Ash: No i'm alright i would just keep an eye on them.

Serena: But don't stay awake long okay! ASHY. (Oh! Shit i shouldn't have said that).

Ash: Alright mother (Ash said sarcastically)

Both of them laughs then Serena Falls asleep.


Did she really call me Ashy? I'm really thinking way ahead of myself maybe she really called me Ashy, Aughhh! Does it really matter weather she call me Ashy a friend can give a friend a nickname so what is a big deal about it? i really am thinking hard maybe i should rest a bit then suddenly i saw Serena changing her position and then she placed her head on my shoulder she really looks out of this world while sleeping i thought. 

End of chapter-2

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