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Welcome back :) A long chapter for you lovely people.

"Huh! May is that you?" Ash shouts.

"Ash it's been so long" May shouts.

"May it's so good to see you" Ash said.

"Good to see you too Ash" May said and both of them hugged each other.

"June it's so good to see you how you've been?" Gary teased May.

"It's good to see you too Oak tree and i have been good" May said and both of them hugs each other (Brunett shipping hint).

"June" Misty said.

"Carrots" May replied and both of them starts to laugh and hugs each other.May then turns towards Serena and introduce herself.

"Hi I'm May" "You mean July" Gary interrupt "No i mean May" May said and both of them argued for 5 minutes then suddenly Serena interrupts "Shut up! Gary a.k.a Oak tree i swear to God i will cut your roots down" "Savage" May said.

"I'm Serena and nice to meet you May" Serena said and extends her arm, both Serena and May shook hands.

"I'm Anabel" Anabel introduce herself.

"And i'm May" May introduces herself and both of them shook hands and go inside the house.

"So May how's Max is he trainer yet?" Ash asked

"He's good and yeah he is a trainer and he also misses you so much, he was so upset that he couldn't come and meet you" May replied.

"It's alright we will meet soon" Ash said.

"So how was your journey in Kalos?" Misty asked.

"It was great i've got to meet lot's of new Pokemon and make lot's of good friends specially Serena and of course i've won the league" Ash replied.

Serena starts to blush madly and start covering her face by her honey-blonde hair but unfortunately Misty noticed and decided to ask her about it later.

"So when will you gonna challenge the Elite four?" May asked.

"I don't know i've gotta train hard and then when i'll think that i'm strong enough then i'll challenge them" Ash replied.

"And Serena what about you what is your dream?" Misty asked.

"Well i am Pokemon performer and an almost Kalos Queen and my dream is to become Kalos Queen" Serena replied , everyone talks about themselves and they lost tract of time it's 1:15 AM and everyone is asleep except for Serena and Ash.

(Serena P.O.V):

I tried to sleep but i don't know why but i couldn't, i got up and heads towards balcony, it was beautiful the view the stars shinning and the smell of grass it was remarkable but then i saw Ash heading towards a tree, he sits down there and starts looking towards the sky, i decided to go there and see if he is alright, as i reaches near him i saw him shaking "Ash are you alright?" i asked "S-Serena please come and sit down here" he replied "Okay" i said and sits down with him, he then places his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes and just in a matter of seconds he was snoring "I love you Ash Ketchum" i mumbled and places my head on his head and quickly falls asleep. As the rays of sunlight touches my eyes i quickly woke up and realize that Ash was sleeping on my shoulder "He looks so cute like this" i thought, i was hoping that this moment last forever but alas he slowly started to wake up so i decided to pretend that i was asleep.

(Ash P.O.V):

I woke up and realize that i was sleeping on Serena's shoulder whole night i look over her face and it was sparkling like a diamond i don't know why but i had a urge to kiss her and so i did kiss her on cheeks i swear to God i saw her moving so i decided to wake her up "Serena wake up!" i said waking her up "Huh i'm awake" she said "Let's head inside" i said "Sure" she replied "Serena can i hold your hand" i asked "S-sure" she replied so i did hold her hand and we walked inside the house together holding hands as we got inside the house there was May sitting on the chair with a worried expression "Where were you guys?" she asked "Well we were together sleeping outside the house" i answered "You guys were sleeping together and are holding hands you guys are sure you are not couple because you both sure are acting like one" May said "We....are....not...a...couple" we both stammered and blushes madly "Oh then why both of of you are red as tomato?" she asked "We...are...not" we both replied in unison "You guys are so adorable together i wish you guys were couple" she said "I wish that too" i mumble "What are you mumbling Ash?" Serena asked "Oh nothing" i replied "Hey May you said you are a coordinator how about you show me some of your tricks and i show you some of mine" Serena said "Okay let's go outside" May replied "Oh! wait a second i remember something Ash can we go meet your Pokemons first i think my foot is alright now!" Serena said "If you say so May would you like to come too?" i asked "For sure" she replied "Come let's go to ranch" i said. As we arrived at ranch my bulbasaur was there playing with gible "Hey bulbasaur" i shout, he then turns towards me and came running to me "Hey buddy can you gather all of my Pokemons?" i asked "Bulbaa (sure)" he replied he then launch something in air which then explodes into five colors, Red (Kanto), Yellow (Hoenn), Green (Johto), Purple (Sinnoh), Pink (Unova). "Wow that's beautiful" Serena said "Thanks bulbasaur for it" i replied "What was that anyway?" May asked "It is my way of getting all of my Pokemons into one place" i replied "Creative" May said.

(Third Person):

After 20 minutes or so everyone was here to meet their trainer after a long time, they do lost track of time it was 2:00 PM and they haven't had lunch yet.

"I'm starving can we go and have lunch?" May asked.

"Sure i'm starving too" Ash replied, then they leave the ranch to have lunch.

"Took you guy's long enough" Gary said.

"We were at ranch meeting my Pokemons" Ash said then there was knock on door.

"I'll get it" Serena said "Whose there? Serena asked.

"Is this Ass 'Pathetic' Ketchup house?" someone asked.

Serena opens the door and there was a purple haired boy standing "Who are you?" Serena asked.

"I'm Paul and tell that pathetic chump i'm here" Paul said.

End of chapter 12

Woah 1109 words can't believe it i wrote a chapter this long well it was worth it :)

Peace out :)

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