Memories II

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This is the 2nd part of Serena and Calem's past many of you may got confused about what it is? It is the past that Calem and Serena share and it will be vital for future and at the end it will all get clear so don't worry much and enjoy the chapter :)

"So Serena tell me something about your self" Uncle Gio asked me.

"I'm a shy person and i don't have any other friend except for Calem and Ash" I answered him remembering my time with Ash.

"It's alright i didn't have much friends either when i was little" He said with a smile.

"But it gets lonely sometimes" I said to him.

"It's alright you have two friends who will do anything for you and believe me they are treasure so never let them go" He said again with a bright smile.

"But Ash is too far from me" I said as tears starts to form in my eyes.

"What do you mean by he is too far from you?" He asked me.

"H-he l-lives i-in K-k-kanto" I stuttered badly.

"Is he on a vacation?" He asked.

"N-no h-he lives t-there" i replied with a frown.

"It's alright when i was 10 most of my friends moved out too so it's not that big of a problem you just focus on friends you have here with you now" He said with a smile.

"T-thank you" I said with smile.

"It's alright! Now would you like to eat something?" He asked me.

"No i'm fine thank you" i replied.

"If you need anything just let me know" He said.

"Can you call Mom and ask her about Calem condition?" I asked him.

"I don't have her number yet! Do you know her number?" He asked me.

"Yes" I replied.

"Here take the phone and call her" He said and handed his phone to me.

The phone rang 2 times before she picked up.

"Mom i'm Serena is Calem alright?" I asked her.

"Yes Serena he is fine" Mom replied.

"Can i come to meet him?" I asked mom.

"He is asleep right now i think you should wait a little longer" Mom replied.

"But i want to see him" I argued.

"No buts Serena you should understand that he need to rest" Mom said and ended the call.

"She ended the call" I whimpered and the tears starts coming down my face.

"Oh! Serena don't cry it's alright she must've ended it for a reason" Uncle Gio said and hugs me and wiped my tears.

"But i wanna see him" i murmured and then everything starts fading away and before i know it everything went completely black.

Third Person P.O.V:

"Finally i got what i wanted for a long time" Giovanni said and starts laughing evilly.

"Now that Grace would know how big mistake was rejecting my proposal" Giovanni quietly said.

"She rejected me now she will pay, I have waited 11 years for revenge and now vengeance will be mine" Giovanni said and again start laughing evilly.

"I should call Mark now" He said and dialed his assistant number.

"It's done come right now" He said to his assistant and ended the call.

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