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Hey i am back :) as you guys know my internet was dead it finally revived so as i promised here is a chapter :) Enjoy and point out my mistakes.

"First of all learn some manners and who are you calling chump?" Serena asked.

"Manners are pathetic and the only chump that lives here is Ash" Paul said.

"How you dare call him a chump, he is not a chump" Serena replied.

"You are so pathetic just like that ass ketchup" Paul said.

"Enough i swear to Arceaus if you ever again dare to disrespect him i will loose it big time" Serena exclaimed.

"Don't waste my time just call him already" Paul said.

"Ash there is someone who would like to meet you" Serena shouts.

"Coming" he shouts back and came running to see who it was.

"Paul" Ash said.

"Pathetic chump" Paul said.

"Good to see you after a long time" Ash said.

"Whatever you are still pathetic" Paul replied.

"Come inside" Ash said.

"I-is Dawn here yet?" Paul asked.

"Oh someone just stammered" Ash teased.

"Pathetic" Paul replied.

"By the way Dawn isn't here yet and we are having lunch so join us" Ash said.

"Whatever" Paul replied and head towards lounge where everyone was, after introducing Paul and eating lunch they saw a movie titled "Zoroark and Lucario A Love Story To Be Told".

(Serena P.O.V):

We were watching a movie it's genre was romance and had some emotional scenes too i was sitting with Ash on couch May and Misty was sitting with Gary while Anabel was sitting alone and Paul was outside training , movie was about to end but the last scene made me cry so much what happen was that Lucario had to die in order to protect a village, i was crying but my love was there for me.

"Hey Serena you alright?" he asked in a voice full of concern.

"I'm alright" i replied , he then put both of his hands on my face and wiped my tears and says

"Crying dosen't suit your beautiful face".

And just at that moment i thought my life was over the moment i lived for is happening the boy i love is calling me beautiful i can myself heating up my cheeks were red as they can be and my hand were shaking.

"A-Ash" was all i managed to say he put his index finger on my lips and says

"Don't say anything" 

"Ok" i replied very quietly and then he starts to lean in "Is he trying to kiss me? Please do it Please do it" i was saying inside my mind, we were inches apart i had closed my eyes and then he says

"There is something on your face" and picked something up from my face.

"What is it?" i asked literally annoyed.

"Huh it was nothing just a fallen hair" he replied.

"We were so close my dream was about to come true but alas he is so dense" i thought.

"Earth to Serena" Ash said.

"Huh sorry i was kinda lost in a thought" i replied embarrassed.

"No problem!" he replied.

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