Dawn of the new Paul (Boy's P.O.V)

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An update :) Enjoy and don't forget to vote,comment and share :)

"D-Dawn" was all Paul manage to say.

"Why are you acting like you have seen a ghost?" Dawn asks confused.

"Don't act weired just come inside" Paul said.

"Yeah yeah" Dawn replied and came inside the house.

"How was your trip to Kanto?" Paul asked.

"It was boring" Dawn replied.

"I will not ask why" Paul said and both of them start laughing.

"It's good to see you again Paul" Dawn said.

"Good to see you too Dawn" Paul said.

As they arrived in lounge Dawn was tackled into a hug and by the force of it she nearly fall on the floor but Paul manages to stop her.

"Dawn it's so good to see you" May yelled.

"It's good to see you too but you don't have to yell" Dawn replied.

"I'm sorry about yelling but it's so good to see you" May said.

"Well i'm here too" Ash pouted.

"I know" Dawn said and hugs Ash.

"You have finally got what you want winning one of the toughest league ever" Dawn said.

"Yeah and you too best co-ordinator in Sinnoh right?" Ash said.

"Yeah finally" Dawn said.

"You are still too short" Gary exclaimed.

"Well i am sorry for that" Dawn replied and both of them burst in laughter and hugs each other.

"Good to see you again Dawn" Gary said.

"Good to see you too Oak tree" Dawn replied.

And then she move towards Misty and they introduces each other and then towards Annabelle and then to Serena.

"Hey i'm Dawn nice to meet you" Dawn said.

"And i'm Serena nice to meet you too Dawn" Serena said.

"So dee-dee what did you do after i left" Ash asks.

"Well after you left first it was hard for me you know after travelling with a group then starting from 0 alone so i asked Zoey and Kenny whether they would like to travel with me and they accepted my proposal and then we travelled first to Hoenn and Sinnoh again and in Hoenn i won Grand festival beating Zoey in the semi-final and beating May in final and in Sinnoh there was just random contests and i won them all so just to sum it all it was hard for me when you and Brock left but it all came through at the end and one more thing don't call me that" Dawn exclaimed.

"Well i am glad to hear that you were fine after i left and you did make me proud Dee-Dee" Ash said.

"Don't call me that" Dawn said.

"Quit fighting you too" May interrupted their verbal arguement.

"Both of you are such kids" Paul said.

And then Ash's phone started to vibrate, Ash took out his phone and there was a message from Gary.

Gary: Ashy-Boy i need to talk to you.

Ash: We are in same room for christ sake.

Gary: It's private and urgent.

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