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Hey guys! Chapter 3 is out :) Please ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter through this chapter and help me make this book better by commenting and please tell your friends about this book too :) Thank you and please Enjoy :)

Serena (P.O.V): Auhhh! I woke up after 7 hours of sleep i guess i must be pretty tired i look over to only saw Ash to found that i was sleeping on his shoulder this whole time i felt my face heat up on just thinking about this then i slowly tries to take my head off from his shoulder then suddenly a voice came.

Ash: How are you feeling Serena?

Serena: I'm great! Did you slept well?

Ash: I didn't slept actually says while scratching his cheeks.

Serena: And why is that? asked him angrily.

Ash: Y-you w-were sleeping peacefully on my shoulders so i thought better not to disturb you said nervously.

Serena: Oh Ash! you should have awaken me! says in embarrassment.

Ash: I wouldn't have in a million years you were looking so c-cute says while blushing hard.

Serena: Oh Ash! That's why i like you so much (murmured a little) while blushing red as tomato.

Ash: You said something?

Serena: You are such a gentleman says while blushing.

Ash: Thank you Serena (still blushing).

There was silence for few minutes.

Ash (P.O.V):

Why was she blushing so much i wonder is it that she likes me too maybe i should make my move, what if she rejects me this will ruin our friendship i guess i have to wait for the perfect moment.

Serena (P.O.V):

He really thinks i am cute maybe he also likes me but calling someone cute doesn't exactly proof that he likes you but he also blushes to much while talking to me i guess i have to wait for the perfect moment.

There was silence until Ash decides to speak.

Ash: How much till we get there?

Serena: Let me check plane took off at 1:00 pm and right now it's 9:26 pm so i guess we still have to wait 7 hours.

Ash: I think i should rest i am pretty tired.

Serena: Sure!.

Ash falls asleep quickly as he was tired so much and Serena was keeping eye on Anabel and N.

Serena (P.O.V):

I was reading a book then suddenly a light and gentle voice came i looked back too see Anabel was right behind me she some how manages to change her seat while no one was looking she approaches me and says:-

Anabel: You are Serena right?

Serena: Yes i am! And you are Anabel right?

Anabel: Sure am! So you two couples?

Serena: (Even thinking about Ash being his boyfriend cause her to blush really hard) No we are just friends.

Anabel: Oh! So you do like him?

Serena: N-no i-don't he is my friend says while still blushing.

Anabel: Oh come on! accept it!

Serena: OK! I do like him, i have a crush on him since childhood says while still blushing.

Anabel: Oh! you don't have to worry he will be mine because you waste so much time hiding your true feelings.

Serena: In your dreams he is and will be mine ( gives death stare to Anabel).

Anabel: We will see ( gives death stare to Serena).

End of chapter-3

Phew!! End of chapter-3, Please share your thoughts about the story and give me advice on how i can make it better :) Thank You so much :)

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