Bruises and Kisses II

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Hey.. Welcome back :) This chapter was pretty big so i decided to cut it into 3 parts. Enjoy and please ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter.

(Ash P.O.V):

As i kiss her forehead i saw her smiling i panicked and get away from her, her room also has a balcony so i decided to go watch the beautiful scenery. There were mountains, a beautiful lake and fields full of flowers it was beautiful but not as beautiful as girl i have a crush on i smiled at my own thought but wait "CRUSH" i don't think it is crush anymore my heart feels somesort of empty this emptiness is something different it only feels filled when she is around me is it love? but love is a very powerful word aughh this is very confusing. "Morning" a soft and soothing voice said i turned back to see Serena smiling "Good morning hows your foot now?" i asked "A lot better" she replies " You shouldn't be standing to too long come have a seat" i said placing a chair for her for her to sit she sat down "What are you doing at my room?" she asked politely "I just wanted to check on you" i replied "Is there something to eat? i'm starving" she said i giggled and replied "Yeah mom has left your meal in fridge" "That's so sweet of her" she said "Stay here i'll bring your food here" i said "O-ok" she replied, i rushed downstairs towards kitchen then i start heating her food after heating and placing her food on tray then i start going towards her room when i reached there i saw her lying on the floor i quickly placed food tray on the table on my left and rushed towards her "What happened" i ask in a very concern tone " My foot is really hurting me please Ash just make it stop i don't know how but just make it stop" she screamed in pain "Serena it's going to be okay" i replied then i pick her up and put her on her bed i placed tray on her bed " Don't worry i'm here for you" i said to divert her mind from pain " I know you'll always be by my side" she replied " Here eat it from my hand" i said, she gets up and kiss me on my cheeks "What was that for?" i asked blushing red "You know just my way of thanking YOU" she answered " Great way of thanking" i said, we both laughed for a moment after she finishes her meal ignore her painkillers. "So did you invite everyone of the Party?" she asked "Shit!! i totally forgot about that" i said scratching my cheek, she face palmed and sighed then says "Well then what are you waiting for?" i then took out my phone and text Misty,Brock,May,Paul,Dawn,Iris,Cilan,Sawyer and Trip. "Done" i said "Did you invite Shauna,Trevor and Tierno?" she asked "If you want to invite them i will text them right away" i replied "I'll kinda like Shauna company and Trevor and Tierno would really like to see your Pokemons" she said "I'll text them right away" i said she smiled and i smiled back.

Serena (P.O.V):

"BTW from pokemon i remember did you met all of your pokemons yet?" i asked "Nah! I will meet them with you when your foot is all good" he replied smilingly " But your Pokemon deserve to see you" i protested "Not more then you deserve someone who cares for you" he replied blushingly "You really is something special Ash Ketchum" i said blushingly but then his next question leaves me frozen for a moment.

End of chapter-8

Hahahaahaaha cliffhanger xD i'm sorry but i had to it the next chapter will be very important one so it may took to write 2,3 days but it will worth your patience :)

Peace Out :)

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