Knowing the plan

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This chapter would be important so read carefully :) and Enjoy :)

"What did you buy Misty?" Serena asks.

"Nothing just couple of jeans and shirts" she replied.

"And May what did you buy?" Annabelle asks.

"Just some denim shorts and t-shirts" May replied.

"Me too i couldn't find anything good in such a big mall" Annabelle said with a sigh.

"Well i did manage to find something good" Serena exclaimed.

"What did you buy?" May asks.

"Here" Serena says showing everyone her gown.

"This is amazing" Misty and May both yell and start fangirling.

"How did she get that" Annabelle thought.

"How much does it cost?" Misty asks.

"7000$" Serena replied.

"OMG! How did you pay so much?" Gary asks.

"I didn't Ash did" Serena replied.

"Ashy-Boy how came you got so much money?" Gary asks.

"By winning the Kalos league i think i've got quite rich" Ash says rubbing his nose.

"Fair enough" Gary said.

"Well i am starving can we have our dinner now?" May asks.

"I am starving too" Ash says.

"I've got some macaroons you guys eat them, and i will prepare dinner" Serena said.

"Why you? where is mom?" Ash asks.

"She is out with Prof.Oak she has left a note" Serena replied.

"These macaroons are good" May said.

"Hey you was suppose to share it" Ash says and start eating macaroons.

Serena heads inside the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone.

(Anabelle P.O.V):

"I will never let this blonde creep to win my Ash's heart he is mine" i said lying on bed.

"I should inform N about Ash and the group" i thought and called N it rang two times then he pick up.

"Do you have what i want?" he asks.

"Yeah i've got intel" i said.

"Spill it then" he said.

"Okay so Ash's old friends are gathering back to celebrate Ash's win in Kalos league and he is planning on coming to festival of vow with that brat Serena he has even bought her a 7000$ dress and after seeing his battle with gary i say we would need an entire army of people to take him down and that Serena is a simple little girl she is not a threat" i said.

"Great work and continue to sent me reports" N said.

"Sure" i said and end the call.

"And now it's done i am tired i think i should get some sleep" i thought and fell asleep.


(N P.O.V):

"So sir that's what is going on" i explained.

"Good job N" Boss says.

"Thank you" i replied and he ended the call.

"So Ghetsis what is our real plan?" i asked.

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