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Hey guys welcome back :) Here it is chapter 4 so please enjoy and comment any idea you have for making this book better :) and please ignore any grammatical mistake you encounter.

Anabel (P.O.V):

I will show that girl who's Ash will be. Ash is mine he also likes me so i think there wouldn't be much trouble taking him away from her Serena just you wait i will be your worst nightmare i think i should rest a bit too, "Hey N wake up! wake up! i said while shaking him".

N (P.O.V):

"Huh! I am awake you can stop shaking me now" i yelled at her, she looked terrified but then she spoke " I am going for a little nap now it's your turn to keep an eye on them" she said "OK" i replied and then she closes her eyes and fall asleep i look over to Ketchum and saw that he is asleep but that honey-blonde is still awake "Now Anabel is sleeping i can now think about my REAL PLAN" i thought "After landing i think i would go and meet Ghetsis and then together we will unleash our wrath on that Ketchup".

All passengers we will land in 15 minutes Thank you.

Serena: Ash wake up we will land in 15 minutes.

Ash: 5 minutes more mom. (Still half asleep)

Serena: (He really looks cute like this i wish i wouldn't have to wake him up but i'm afraid i have too Ash wake up! wake up! already.

Ash: Huh! I am awake what happens why are you yelling like this?

Serena: We will land in 15 minutes and i am sorry for waking you up like this.

Ash: Nah! It's alright it's my fault i should have woken up.

Serena: How about it's our fault says while laughing.

Ash: (Burst into laughter) it's sound good to me.

Serena: Anyway Ash! have you informed your mother that we are coming?.

Ash: Oh! To think about it i think i didn't.

Serena: How can you forget something important like this?

Ash: Well i guess in the joy of winning Kalos league i forget to tell her.

Serena: You can be so reckless sometimes.

Passengers please lock your seatbelt we are landing in 2 minutes.

Ash: Yeah finally! let's head to pallet town to meet my mother.

Serena: Let's go!

After 15 minutes of drive from Viridian city airport they finally arrive at Pallet Town.

Ash: Yeah let's go first at Prof.Oak Lab.

Serena: Why Prof Oak lab?

Ash: Duh! To meet my pokemons ofcourse.

Serena: WAIT A MINUTE MISTER! First we are going to meet your mother then your pokemons.

Ash: But i want to meet them first.

Serena: No buts! (Grabs his wrist and takes him towards his house).

Ash: OK! Mom says sarcastically.

Serena knocked on door while still holding his wrist.

End of Chapter-4

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