Chapter 1...

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It's the middel of winter. I live with my dad and my brother in the woods. My mom left us when I was small, all I can remember was her last words to me 'I'm sorry'. She damn has to be sorry!

My dad and my brother never liked me, in fact, I think it's safe to say they hate me. Whenever either of them are upset they would take it out on me, sometimes they do it just for the fun of it. It's been like this since she left us. My brother would say things to me like 'She left because of you', and sometimes I think he's right. I mean if my own father and brother hate me this much, why wouldn't she?

My brother has never hit me or hurt me before, but my dad in the other hand...

''Latasha Acsencuo, come here!'' I hear Stephan screaming from his room, and I know what's coming. I don't even want to call him my dad.

I get up from my comfortable seat on the couch, in front of the warm fire and make my way upstairs. If I take to long Sephan gets even madder then he already is and it's only more pain for me.

I stop infront of the wooden door leading to the master bedroom and take in a deap breath before slowly opening the door and going in. Inside I see Steven, my brother, standing next to our so called father. They don't look mad so maybe I won't get hurt, this time. Their serios, but happy faces make me kind of scared and I don't know what to expect.

''Latahsa, we need to talk.'' As the words leave Stephan's lips, they put a smile on Steven's and I know this isn't going to end well for me.

Steven stands aside, motioning for me to sit on the singel sofa in the corner of the room. I do so and wait for them to continue. Both of them go to sit on the bed facing me and I give them a questioning look.

''Latasha,'' Stephan starts '' there are things in this world that you don't know of, but you are very much apart of. The kind of things that are the biggest reason why your mother left in the first place.'' He never talks about her, which makes jump a little in my seat.

''Have you ever heard of werewolfs?'' And I answer with a simple nod scared of what will happen next. ''Well, this isn't easy to say, but the're real. Werewolf's do excist.''

All of the fear leaves my body and I try to control my laughter. ''There's no such thing as werewolf's. It's all just stories used to entertain people that read book's and watch tv'' I say not being able to control myself anymore.

''This isn't funny, Latasha!'' My brother's voice snaps me out of my laughter. ''This isn't a joke. This is a very serios matter.'' I bite on my lower lip and look down at my feat.

''As I was saying,'' Stephan continues, ''werewolfs usually live in packs, but your mother and I left ours and became rouges. We didn't want either of you to know about what you are, but we had no choice telling your brother since he shifted into his werewolf. It was your mother's idea by not telling you, she said it was not save and she doesn't want anything to do with werewolfs anymore. Fortunatly for me, she's not here anymore. It makes what I'm about to do alot easier.''

I look up at them and frown, ''I know both of you think I'm really stupid, but did you really think I was going to fall for a joke like this?''

''This is not a joke!'' Stephan yells, ''Show her Steven.'' He says to my brother and he starts to transform into this enormous wolf pulling a grin on his face as if he was in pain.

They really where not joking. I sit there trying to make sence of this entire storie. Why wouldn't they tell me something like this? Didn't I have the right to know I'm a werewolf?

''How is this possible? It must be a dream.'' I say standing up to touch my brother just to be sure it's real. As soon as my hand touched his pitch black fur with only a single white patch over his left eye, he growls and I imediatly pull back. ''But how? Why didn't I change into a werewolf? Why didn't you tell us after she left? What do you mean it makes it easier for you? What are you going to do?'' So many questions, but none of them get an answer as there's a knok on the door. ''I sold you.'' Is al he says before going down stairs to open the door. My heart drops to my toes and I run out the door to follow him.

I stop midway down stairs to see two men. ''Alpha Wesley, beta Ben. Please come inside.'' Stephan closes the door behind them and I slowly start to walk further down the steps to get a better look at the two men. Both of them are huge, and I don't mean fat, I mean muscular. The one is slightly bigger and taller than the other. A step underneath my foot creaks and I stop as their eyes locked on me.

''Alpha Wesley, meet your new mate. This is my daughter, Latasha.'' Stephan says with one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. ''Wha- what's a mate?'' I ask trying to hide the frightend sound in my voice, but fail misserable.

''She doesn't know what's a mate.'' The slightly taller one with dark hair asks Stephan. ''Alpha Wesley, please excuse her. She only found out a few minutes ago that werewolfs exict.'' Okay so his name is Wesley, or Alpha Wesley, so the other one must be Ben.

''She isn't even a werewolf!'' Wesley says with a voice that sends chills down your spine.

Stephan is quick to defend himself and for the first time he looks scared, ''Alpha Wesley, I can assure you that she is. You know that my wife did not want them to know about werewolf's, but as you know she is no longer our problem.''

Welsey looks at Ben and back to Stephan. Ben walks to me and I'm kind of scared. He is easy to look at with his sandy blond hair and popping blue eyes. ''Hi, I'm Ben.'' He says with a smile and I start to relax, feeling like he's nice enough not to hurt me.

I return his smile, ''My name's Latasha, but I have a feeling that you already know that.'' I say taking his hand he's holding out for me to shake.

''Ben, take the girl. We're going.'' Wesley says looking really mad. Propably Stephan's doing, considering he's standing there with a huge smile on his face. I geuss he sold me to them.

''Wait'' I say.
''For what?'' Welsey ask's giving me another round of chills down my spine. I don't know if it's because he scares me or because I'm attracted to him. Either way, I can't go without clothes.

''I didn't know about any of this, so I didn't pack anything.''

''Oh but you did, little sis.'' Steven comes down the stairs with a suitcase in his hand. Wow, I didn't think they wanted me gone that bad. It's a bad feeling knowing you're not wanted, but living with a pack of werewolfs can't be wors then living with them. I take the bag from Steven looking him in the eyes, not showing any emotions. He hands it to me with a smile and Stephan walks us out the door.

It's freezing outside. Wesley and Ben walk on either side of me and I look back one more time. Finally leaving behind the dreadfull place I grew up in. Without a mother. With a brother and father breaking me from the inside out. In the middle of nowhere and somewhere.

''Don't worry, you won't be forgotten...''

Hi to all reading my book ;)

I really hope you like it and please vote and comment, I would really like to know what you think about it.

I am not going to describe all the characters in detail, I will leave you guys to create your own image of each character.

I hope there is enough detail and that the chapters are not to short.

Please vote and comment! I would like this book to be better that my last epic fail.

Thanks alot to my co-writer, Muzi. And I hope you will continue reading our book... :)

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