Chapter 2...

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I'm walking in the cold snow with Ben and Wesley on either side of me. I'm scared, but at the same time relieved to leave the awfull memories behind of my abusive child hood.

I can finally let go and be my self, instead of being afraid to say something wrong all the time. I don't have to be so shy anymore. It's not going to be easy to let go so fast, but I'll take baby-steps.

We arrive at the car and Wesley goes around to the drivers seat, while Ben opens the door for me at the back.

The full moon is high in and it shines pure white. I don't get out much, but the moon seems to be even whiter that usual.

I look in the mirror to see Wesley's dark brown eyes looking at me and I imediatly look back outside, pretending that I didn't see him. He looks so intimidating. Maybe it's a werewolf thing.

I still think this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up. To be honest, I don't want to wake up. As scary as it sound, I would rather live with werewolfs than wake up to be stuck with Stephan and Steven for the rest of my life.

I don't even know where they're taking me. So many questions and no answers. Well, the only way of getting answers to a question, is to ask.

''Are you both really werewolfs?'' I ask breaking the silence. ''Yes.'' is all Wesley says looking at me in the mirror again before, looking back at the road.

''And how about me, am I really a werewolf like my da- I mean Stephan, says?''

''Yes.'' He says yet again.

''How do you know?''

''We can smell the werewolf scent on you.'' Ben answers this time. ''Every werewolf has an unique scent.''

''Okay, and where are you taking me?''

''Do you always ask so many questions?'' Wesley sounds irretated, but controlling himself so I deside to push my luck and see how far I can go.

''Well, I think if you found out that werewolfs excist about 15 minutes ago, and that you are one, you would ask alot of questions too.''

Wesley rolls his eyes, ''I am the Alpha of the Silver Eclips pack, the most feared pack of werewolfs there is, and Ben is my Beta. You will be living with us from now on, considering your father and I made a deal.''

''So, Stephan called us rouges because we don't live with a pack?''

''Yes, now will you stop asking questions.'' I deside to do as he says. He has to be as badass as he looks to be the alpha of the most feared pack of werewolfs.

It seems to be funny for Ben, he looked back at me and started to chuckle then looked at the road before us.

After a 3 hour drive, we stop infront of an huge mansion. Ben gets out and opens the door for me. Wesley stands stil until Ben and I walk next to him and he walks along side me, with Ben still on my other side.

Wesley opens the door and we are greeted by an old woman. ''Good evening Alpha Wesley and Beta Ben, who may this young girl be?'' She asks motioning to me

''Good evening to you aswell, Maggie. This is the girl that Stephan has traded with me, she will be my new mate. Will you please get her ready for the ceremony that will take place at midnight tonight, and Ben take her to her room.''

Maggie bows her head and walks away. Wesley goes in another direction and I look at Ben not having a clue what's going on. ''This way M'ladg.'' Ben says motioning to some stairs.

I follow him through the huge house around lots of turns and past busy people greeting Ben as we pass by them.

We stop at in front of a dark wooden double door. ''Well, this is it. This will be your room from now on.'' Ben says opening the door and I walk in with him closing the door behind us.

The room is huge. It's decorated in a very classic way with a terquoise and brown colour theme, complete with a tv, fire place, walk in wardrobe and my own bathroom.

''This room is amazing.'' I say honestly. This is one of the best rooms I've ever seen.

''At least you like it, cause' you're going to be here for a while.'' Ben says with a smile. ''You better get ready, it's 11 and you need to be ready by 12.''

''For what do I need to get ready?'' I remeber everything Wesley said to Maggie downstairs.

''Well, you are going to be mated to Wesley and you will become the packs Luna. And because Wesley is the packs Alpha there, will be a ceremony.''

''What's a mate?''

''You really didn't know about werewolfs did you?''

''No, I didn't. I still don't know anything.''

''Okay, a mate is someone that is chosen for a werewolf to be with each other for the rest of their lives. But because you're a rouge, you don't have a mate that's chosen for you.''

''So, I'm basically getting maried to Wesley. The badass Alpha of the most feared pack of werewolfs.''

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LoL - Lot's of Love
From me and my co-writer Muzi... ;)

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