Chapter 20...

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'Wesley is dead. I, Latasha Ascencuo, is the Luna of the Silver Eclips Pack. It is my duty to run and protect the pack from now on.'

I read those final words of the book and my heart drops to my feet. It even feels as if it leaves my body completely and dissapears into the floor.

I'm paralyzed, but need to hide the book before Wesley comes in. I quickly slip the book under the bed and lay my head back on the pillow.

The thought of never seeing Wesley again, the thought of him dead and out of my life forever, gives me the worst feeling ever.

It feels like I could throw up my entire stomach and I don't mean just the content of my stomach, I mean my entire stomach. It rips my heart into a thousand little pieces. The tears in the back of my eyes feel like it's all the water in my entire body just threatening to pore out at any second.

I grab Wesley's pillow and hug it as tight as I can, inhaling my addiction. The strong vanilla smell reminding me that he's not dead. He's still here. In his study, very close to me and in a few hours he will be right here next to me in bed.

Having these strong feelings at the thought of him dead has made me realise something.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm inlove with him.

I don't know if it's just because of the mating bond, but one thing's for sure. I've fallen for him.

I've fallen for the badass Alpha of the most feared pack. No matter how scary and intimidating he is. I'm in love with his stubbornness. How sexy he looks when he's mad. The water drops on his bare skin after a shower. His messy dark hair and matching dark eyes. Every single scar on his body. His sudden change against me. And of course, his playful side when he's around Ben.

I can't let this happen. I can't let Stephan kill the man I love. He has taken to much from me already.

He's taken my childhood. My chances of a normal life. He never even botherd to tell me that I just happen to be a werewolf. He could've at least let me go to school. Have friends and be a normal person.

I wil not let him take another thing away from me. Some how I need to stop him before the war. The question is how?

I didn't have a chance to think about it any further, when the door opens and Wesley walks in.

''You're early.'' I say looking at the time. It's only 11 pm.

''Yeah, I'm too tired to go on. I told them we can continue tomorrow. So sorry, but I'm going to mis training again. '' he says taking of his clothes revealing his boxers again.

I savor every second of his presence. I have no idea if I'm going to lose him or not. I'm definitely going to try my best to keep him alive. No matter what the consiquenses may be.

''It's okay,'' I say giving him a weak smile. ''I wanted to bond with Mia a bit anyways. Take my mind off things for a while.''

Wesley turns off the light and climbs into bed. My back is turned to him. I'm scared that if I look him in the eyes, I'm going to break down.

Wesley puts his arms around my waist and pulls me as close to him as he can, I tense under is muscular arms. He isn't really helping.

''Sorry, I just had a tuff couple of days and having you close to me will help me relax a bit. Besides, I know you have been through just as much and I can feel you're upset.''

I bite on my lower lip and close my eyes tight to hold back the tears. I rub Wesley's arm softly and he holds me even tighter.

''You can hold me for as long as you need to.'' I wisper. ''I wanted to ask where you got the money you gave me to go shopping? I didn't see that you had another job other that to run the pack.'' I say trying to take my mind off everything except him.

''My parents where really rich and I inherited everything after my fathers death.'' Wesley rubs his leg against mine and I take it as my hint to stay quiet.

Having Wesley's arms around me helped me fall asleep quickly.

I wake up early the next morning, but Wesley is already gone. I get up quickly to take a shower and find Mia.

Mia is the only one that can help me. Sasha is there to, but she has a mate. Not just any mate, Ben, the Beta of the pack. If Sasha only thinks about it, Ben will know and tell Weslye who will stop me in the blink of an eye.

Mia doens't have a mate yet, so nobody has a direct access to her thoughts and emotions.

I run down to the infirmary, knowing she will be there. At least I didn't find someone along the way that I know, they would've slowed me down. I can't waste any time.

Mia is standing at the door of the infirmary and greets me with the biggest smile. ''Hey Latasha.'' She says hugging me.

''Hey, Mia. Is there some way I could talk to you in private?'' I get straight to the point, not to waste any time.

''Is everything okay?'' She askes concernd when she sees my face.

''No, not exactly.'' I say honestly.

Mia nods and walks me to the same open garden I had talked to my mother.

''This isn't very private.'' I say as we sit down.

''Almost everyone is at the meeting and nobody hardly ever comes here.'' She asures me. ''Now will you please tell me what's wrong.'' She begs.

''I need you're help.'' I say with a shacky voice.

I tell her about the book and what's going to happen. I also tell her how I feel about Wesley.

She places a hand in my arm. ''What do you need me to do. I'll do anything.''

''I know this is asking alot, but I need you to drive me to Stephan's house. The only solution I can think about is to kill Stephan before he can kill Wesley.'' I bite my lower lip and look down.

''Being apart of the Silver Eclips pack, it isn't something new for me to kill a threat. Besides, if we kill him we would propably stop the war, he is leading the rogues after all.''

''That's true.''

''But we have to do it tonight.'' My head shots up at Mia's words.

''Tonight?'' My voice sound  even more shacky than before.

''Yes, the war is tomorrow after all.''

I really hope this chapter makes up for the previous short one.

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LoL until next time... ;)

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