Chapter 23...

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Mia's POV.

I'm sitting in the car, waiting for Latasha to come back. I'm getting worried about her. She's almost been in there for half an hour. If she's not back in 5 minutes, I will have to leave and go back to the pack house without her. Wesley would kill me.

I hear the house door click open and a sigh of relieve escapes me. Footsteps get louder as they approach the car. They're fast, she must be running.

The car door on the passenger side swings open and I expect to see Latasha. Instead I see a young man, kind of attractive. He looks about my age, 23, and scared. Very scared.

''Are you Mia?'' He asks out of breath.

''Yes.'' I say giving him a confused look.

''Listen I'm Steven, Latasha brother. She's in trouble.'' His words make my heart drop.

''What do you mean? What happend?''

''I don't know. She just dissapeared.'' He runs a hand through his already messy blond hair.

''Get in.'' He does, without hesitation.

''Where are we going?'' He asks putting on the seatbelt.

''You need to tell Wesley everything that happend in there.'' I speed away to the pack house.

I just hope that the mating bond is strong enough for him to find her.

Latasha's POV.

I wake up to a pounding in my head. I can still feel the tingling sensation in my entire body and I shoot up at the memory of what had happend.

I open my eyes, but I can barely see a thing. Where am I? The last thing I remeber is that I blacked out in Stephan's room, after Steven and I killed him.

Steven, where is he? Is this his doing? Did they plan this? Am I locked up in some cage and Stephan is just waiting for me to wake up? So he can abuse me even more for some sick plesure?

No, it can't be. Steven seemed so worries about me when I collapsed on the floor and Stephan is dead. There's no way you can fake death in that way. His heart didn't beat. I made sure of it.

But what happend to me? My head is pounding, but I need to see if there is a way out of this place. Where ever this place is.

I can see a little with my werewolf vision. It's just a dark empty space. It goes on and on into the distance. The only thing that's actually in here is a floor.

I see a flicker of a light and my head shots in the direction, I see another flicker. The light is a neon blue colour. It looks mysterious.

''Hello!'' I call out. ''Is somebody there?''

The light suddenly appears infront of me and it's in the form of a body. It scared me so much that I sumbled backwards and fell on my ass. I can't see a head or feet. It seems to be floating in mid air.

''Hello Latasha.'' The figure says in a soft female voice. It's kind of soothing.

''Who are you and how do you know my name?'' I start to question the strange figure.

''I'm the Moon Goddess. The creator of all werewolves, including you my dear. I'm the one who wrote the prophesy about you.'' I wanted to yell at her and ask her why she wanted Wesley dead, but she sounds important and I don't want to get on a Godess's bad side.

''Where am I and why am I here?'' I question instead.

''You were never supposed to read your prophesy. The first and second time you changed the future you were punished lightly. Those consiquenses where only mere warnings. The third time you changed the future, I had no choice but to bring you here for all eternity.'' She explaines.

''And where exactly is here?''

''The Forgotten Realm. I know you found out about werewolves only a few days ago, so I will explain in a way you will understand.'' I nod and motion for her to continue.

''If you have been given a prophesy you are destined to live that live. Most people don't find their prophesies and it goes according to plan. People who do find them, like you, have three chances if they want to change the future. The first and second time you do so, you get punished with a bad consiquens, a warning. If you do change the future for the third time, you get transported here, to The Forgotten Realm.''

I stare at her for a few moments, trying to make sence of the situation.

''What do I need to do to get out of here?'' I question.

''You can not my dear. There is no escape.'' Her words float away into the distance, along with her glowing blue figure.

''Wait!'' I yell trying to run after her.

She dissapears and I fall to the floor on my knees. I just start crying. I can't take this anymore.

Why did I read that book? Why didn't I just listen to the part about the consiquenses? Why didn't I just tell Wesley?

Wesley. I did all of this to keep him safe. To keep him alive. To be able to know I will see him again.

Now I will propably never see him or anybody els ever again. Just because I couldn't listen to one simple warning.

Where you expecting that?

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LoL until next time... ;)

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