Chapter 15...

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I sigh and go outside. She motions for me to sit accross from her.

''Would you like some tea, my Dear?'' She asks.

''No thanks,'' I turn it down, ''I'm more of a coffee person.''

''I missed so much.'' She says looking down. Clearly upset, I don't buy a second of her little act. ''I wish it could have been different.''

''It could've been.'' I say getting mad. ''If you had only taken me with you.''

''I didn't have a choice, Latasha!''

''And why not?'' I yell back at her.

''Because you're not Stephan's child! You're Mathew's, my real mate.''

''What?'' I say in a wisper from shock. I'm glad I'm sitting down at the moment. At least now I know why Stephan has always abused me.

''Mathew?'' Sasha asks walking towards us with Wesley following. ''As in Alpha of the Winter Moon pack? My old pack?''

''Yes.'' My mother says.

I sit there in shock, not able to let a single sound escape from my mouth.

''But if he's Latasha's real father, that should've gave you even more reason to take her with you. Why didn't you then?'' Wesley asks reading my mind.

''He's a monster.'' Sasha says soft. You can see the fear in her eyes she's experiencing from just tinking about him.

''He hates children.'' My mother says rubbing Sasha's arm. ''He would've killed her if he knew she was his child. Even if he thought she was Stephan's, he would have given her away or just leave her in the woods alone just to get rid of her.''

''And what about Steven?'' I can finally talk again. ''Is he also Mathew's child?''

''No, I fell pregnant with Steven before I knew Mathew was my mate. I was still inlove with Stephan after I met Mathew, but the temptation was to much. When Staphan found out I found my real mate and that you were not his child I had no choice but to leave. I knew Stephan would take his anger for me out on you, but I also knew he loved me to much to kill you. Mathew, on the other hand, would've shown no mercy.''

That's why Stephan never hurt him and they both took it out on me. That's why Steven always said mom left because of me. It all makes sence now.

''Why did you never want Steven and I to find out that we were werewolves?'' I ask.

''I didn't want you guys to be apart of all of this. The rogue war, the finding your mate thing, everything. I hated being apart of it and wanted you to have a chance at a normal life.''

''Didn't you think that we would've changed into our wolves at some point or another?''

''I don't have an excuse for that. I just hoped that you never would.''

''But why didn't Stephan tell me after you left?'' I ask thinking more to myself actually.

''If you knew you would've transformed and be able to stand up to him. He wanted total control over you.''

I sit there in complete silence, just trying to process the information. Even though everything makes sence now, it's still alot to take in.

''Now, if that's all, I would like to excuse myself.'' My mother says standing up and walking away.

Ben appears at the door and Sasha runs to him with open arms. Ben grabs her tight and they walk upstairs, hand in hand.

I'm frozen in my spot. I never thought it's possible to feal so shocked.

Wesley walks over to my seat and sits down next to me on his knees.

''Are you okay?'' He asks. I still need to get use to his sudden change in attitude.

All I can do is shake my head slowly, no. I was honest. I wasn't okay.

''Is there anything I can do to make it better?'' He asks rubbing my thigh.

Deep down my wolf is screaming a thousand ways how he could make me feel better, but even though he's had an attitude change agains me, he wouldn't even do one of them. Especially the one I want most. Mark me.

''If you can't answer me I'm going to be forced to try something myself.'' He says leaning in, giving me a devilish grin.

''That makes me scared.'' I say honestly.

''You should be.'' I feel his warm breath on the skin of my lips and I shiver.

The grip he has on my thigh tightens and my hearts beats faster than someone who just ran a mile, full speed.

''Am I interupting?'' Mia asks sloftly walking towards us.

''No.'' Wesley says standing up. ''I was just about to mind link you to take Latasha upstairs.'' And the dream has ended, he's changed back to his old self and it makes me a bit sad. I'm going to miss the so to say 'romantic' Wesley.

''I don't want her to be alone.'' He continues walking away. As soon as Mia can't see him he turns around and gives me a wink and a grin. Maybe I was wrong.

''What's wrong L?'' Mia asks when Wesley is out of the room.

''Nothing,'' I shake my head. ''I'll be fine. Just a little shocked.'' I'm not in the mood to talk about this anymore.

''Okay, I can take a hint. We can talk later.'' She says with a smile.

She motions for me to get up and she takes me upstairs. We stop infront of Wesley's room. Mia stops and gives me a smile before turning around to walk away.

''Thanks.'' I say making her stop and give me a confused look.

''For being so understanding.'' I continue.

She walks back over to me and gives me a long tight hug. ''Remember, I'll always be there for my Luna/best friend.''

When she leaves I look around so make sure nobody is here to see me. I can smell Wesley in his study, but the door is closed.

I move to my old room slowly, hoping my mom isn't in there right now. The door is open and luckly it's empty.

I go into the room, trying to be as quick as possible. I need to find that book.

I find it and as I'm about to go out, I hear a voice.

''What are you doing in here?''

So this chapter answers a few more questions and at the same time gives another hint about what's going to happen.

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LoL until next time... ;)

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