Chapter 26...

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Chapter 26...

Wesley's POV.

''I don't care.'' I growl. ''I want her back.''

''Wesley please sit down and tell me what happend.'' I growl n protest. ''If you don't tell me what happend I can't help you.''

I growl in protest again, but deside to sit down. I know she's the only one that can help me at this moment.

''Now,'' The old hag says. ''tell me what happend.''

''She found her prophesy, which she was not supposed to, and she changed the future.'' I keep it short not to loose any time.

''And who is this, she you speak of?''

''Latasha Ascencuo, my mate.'' I say with a little pride in my voice. I don't have to hide it anymore.

''But you told me you're mate died the day you met her.''

''Latasha's father traded her to be my mate for him to keep his life. We did the mating ceremony, but I didn't mark or mate with her yet.''

''Oh Wesley my dear, that makes it a little more difficult. You're mating bond isn't strong, so you can't sence her location.''

''But we can still communicate through mind link if we're in our wolf form.''

''The Forgotten Realm is a big empty space. She would not be able to tell you where she is. And it's going to be hard for you to do the entry test in your wolf form. I'm not allowed to enter, I can only teleport the two of you out.''

''I'll look for Latasha in The Realm, but first you need to get me in.''

''Follow me.'' Atheana stands up.

She takes us outside and we walk for about 5 minutes. We finally stop in the middle of an empty space in the woods. Magenta glowing trees all around us.

Atheana mutters a few words under her breath. All of a sudden a door appears in the middle of the open field.

''Wesley, when you enter this door the challanges will start. You will need to complete all three of them in order to gain entrance to the Realm. If you fail just one, you will die.''

I clench my jaw and open the door. I turn around to look at everyone one last time.

''You got this Wes.'' Ben says and I go into the door.

It slams shut behind me and I flinche a bit. I'm on edge. I have no idea what's going to happen.

I hear a loud boom from behind me. When I turned around, the door was gone. In it's place stood a giant rock monster.

How am I going to defeat this thing? It's at least 5 times my size.

The thing slams his hand down on my head and I duck out of the way. I look around to see if there's something I can use.

He slams his hand down again and I run out of the way. Something catches my attention in the corner of my eye.

I turn to look and see a well. Oh this is so easy. It's behind the rock giant. He slams his hand down once again and I run through his legs, jumping into the well.

I don't fall far. I land on my feet and a voice echoes through the darkness. ''Test 1 complete.''

The lights klick on and the sound echoes. The room is empty. All that's in the room are the lights and in front of me a little kitten.

I walk slowly towards it. I'm one step away from touching the kitten, when it transforms into a green slimy monster.

What is it with the Moon Goddess and monsters? I try to punch the slime ball, but my firt goes straight through it. Now my hands coverd in slime.

As I'm distracted by my slime coverd hand, the thing swallows me. This is disgusting beyond belief.

I swim from the middle of the thing to the outside. My head is finally out and I can breath.

I get the rest of my body out and look around. There must be another way out.

Nothing. There's absolutely nothing in this room. I look up and growl in frustration. Wait a minute.

There's a hole in the roof. I look at the slime ball and it's coming for me. I jump up and grab the outside of the hole before it can catch me.

I pull myself up and I'm in another dark room. ''Test 2 complete.'' The voice says again.

I'm feeling my body and to my relief, all the slime is gone.

Last test. Why do I have a feeling this isn't going to be easy?

The lights go on and I almost fall over in shock. ''Dad.''

The Moon Goddess is trully cruel.

''Hello my son.'' He says taking out a gun and points it at my head.

I quickly grab his arm and throw the gun to the side. I run after the gun and grab it. Know I'm pointing the gun at his head.

''You wouldn't shoot your father.'' He says with an evil grin.

I remind myself that this isn't real. My real dad is already dead. Good riddance. I close my eyes and with a shacking hand, pull the trigger.

''Test 3 complete.'' The voice says. ''You may now enter The Forgotten Realm.''

I feel my body tingle and know I'm being teleported.

Latasha's POV.

I'm pacing up and down in the huge empty dark space. I need to get out of here.

I'm really getting worried. What if he can't find me? What if Wesley dies before he can get to me?

''Where are you Wesley?'' I growl in frustration.

''Latasha?'' I hear a voice behind me and I jump.

Turning around, I see Wesley. I can't help but run into his arms. He doesn't protest and pulls me close.

I close my eyes and all of a sudden hear birds singing. When I open my eyes, I see that we're no longer in The Realm.

At this moment I don't care how we got out. All I care about is being in Wesley's arms.

''Now you know why I didn't want to mark you. It would've been harder for you to move on if I died.'' He says softly against my ear.

Wesley suddenly turns around to stand infront of me and I hear a gun shot.

He falls to the floor and I realise he just took a bullet for me.

''Wesley!'' I yell and fall to the ground next to him.

''Some times fait can't be changed.'' Wesley says stroking my cheeck.

The book is coming to an end. There is only 1 chapter left and an epilouge.

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LoL until next time... ;)

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