Chapter 16...

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It feels like I've been caught red handed. Well, I geuss I have. I look up to see who caught me and to my relief, see Sasha.

''I'm waiting for an answer.'' She says leaning against the door frame.

Even though I know Sasha won't tell about the book, I can't take the risk of letting it slip out. She might just think about it and Ben will know and Ben will then tell Wesley.

''Oh uhm. I was just getting my book.'' I say honestly, but I'm not telling her what book it is.

''I was just checking up on you.'' She says concernd. ''Are you okay after the news you just got?''

''I'll be fine. I think I just need to climb into bed and read my book for the rest of the day, just to relax and take my mind a bit off things.''

She nods in understanding and walks back downstairs.

I sigh of relief escapes me when I close Wesley's bedroom door behind me. I know werewolves don't feel the cold, but it's still a nice feeling to climb underneath a warm blanket when the snow is falling outside.

I stay in bed the rest of the day. Only getting up every now and then to go to the bathroom and of course when Wesley called me downstairs for dinner.

After dinner Wesley accompanied me to the room, but went back to his study. He probably has alot of work to do with the entire rogue war about to go down, and he has a pack to run.

I wonder if the Luna also has to do work to help run the pack? I don't think I want to ask Wesley. I'm to scared he actually gives me work to do.

I've been reading this book so deeply, I have no idea what time it is. All I know is that it's really late, but Wesley isn't back yet.

The sound of the door opening and closing shocks me out of my haze. I look up and see a confused Wesley looking at me.

''You're still awake?'' I close the book as he asks, holding the cover upside down so that he can't read the title.

''Yeah. I was just uhm, reading the book I found in your study and I geuss I lost track of time.'' I say sliding the book underneath the bed. ''What time is it anyways?''

''1 a.m'' Wesley answers turing off the light and getting into bed next to me. ''How am I getting you up tomorrow morning?''

''With another cup of coffee.'' I say with a devilish smile.

''I think that we should both sleep in tomorrow and train the afternoor.'' He returns my devilish smile. ''I'm really tired.'' He closes his eyes and hugs a pillow tight.

I turn around, closing my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up the next morning and see Wesley is still asleep. I look at the time and see it's only 7 in the moring.

I decide to wake Wesley with coffee in bed to pay back the favour for yesterday.

I make my way to the kitchen, greeting everyone quickly to be back before Wesley wakes up.

When I enter the room, Wesley isn't in bed anymore. Damn. I hear the shower running so I put the cup on his bedside table.

The bathroom door opens and Wesley comes out with a towel around his waist. He's a sight for sore eyes. Wet and messy dark hair. Water drops running down his bare chest. Steam hugging his body. I can't help but stare.

''You're up early.'' He says and my head shot up to his eyes.

''I was actually planning on paying back the favour.'' I motion to the cup of coffee. ''But you beat me to it.''

''Thank you.'' He says with a grin. ''You have the entire day all to yourself.'' He gets some clothes out of his closet.

''What about training?'' I ask confused.

''We're busy planning our attack formations for the war and we didn't finish yesterday so we need to continue today. I really hope we finish today. Ben will also be busy, but you and Sasha can train if you guys want to.'' He pulls a shirt over his head and walk back to the bathroom.

I walk back to my room to get clothes and take a nice long bath.

I'm lying in the bath, coverd with bubbles and feel my stomach growl.

I go back to the kitchen and find Sasha. I was about to ask her if she wanted to train, but she doesn't look to well.

''Are you feeling okay?'' I ask her.

''Honestly, no. No I don't.'' She says lying on her arms at the kitchen table.

''Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?'' I rub her back.''

''I'm just a bit nauseous, but I thinks it's better if someone checks me out.''

I walk with Sasha downstairs and Mia greets us with glee, but her face turns to concers whe she lays eyes on Sasha.

She walks to us and take Sasha by the arm. ''Are you okay?''

''I'm just nauseous, that's all.'' Sasha gives Mia a weak smile.

''I think we should check you out.'' Mia takes Sasha to an open bed and I follow.

''Will you please keep me posted on how she's doing?'' I ask Mia.

''Of course.'' I give her a smile and turn around to go back. ''Hey Latasha.'' She says making me turn back. ''I was wondering if we could all go out this afternoon. You know, the three of us, if Sasha feel better.''

''What did you have in mind?''

''Some shopping, girl stuff.''

''I would love to.''

I walk back to the kitchen and finish my breakfast. I go upstairs and climb into bed, getting the book from underneath the bed.

The same thing happens from last night. I got so caught up in the book, I lost track of time and hear a knock on the door.

I get up and walk over to the door. I open it and find a smiling Sasha and Mia.

''Are you ready?'' A now happy and healthy Sasha asks, looking her old self again.

I smile and go with them.

I know this chapter seems a bit boring also, but did you notice something?

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LoL until next time... ;)

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