Chapter 14...

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''Wesley and Ben is down there...'' I say softly. To shocked and scared to turn up my inner volume.

''What!?'' Sasha yells running downstairs.

I'm hot on her heals as we rush down the flights of stairs.

We reach the infirmary, where we see smoke escaping from the open door.

An black ash coverd Wesley and Ben came walking out the door.

''Well that didn't go as plan.'' Wesley says to a laughing Ben.

Sasha runs to Ben and he hugs her as tight as he can, still chuckeling.

I throw my arms around Wesley's muscular neck, grabbing him tight. He's hesitant to respond, but wraps his arms loosly around my waist.

I pull away and slap him on his cheek. The sound echoes through the hall. Making a gasp escape Sasha's mouth, Ben is standing with his hand over his mouth from the shock of what I just did.

''Don't ever do that to me again.'' I say pointing a finger at Wesley, moving it over to Ben. ''That goes for you too.'' I warn them.

A sudden wave of fear travels through my body. Wesley's angry, intimedating eyes change to soft and worried about me as soon as he sees my expression.

''It's okay.'' Wesley says walking to me and places his hands on my shoulders. ''We where just trying to fix one of the broken machines for Dr.Amel. Apparently we're not as good with technology as we thought.'' He says looking in the eyes.

''I thought I'd lost you.'' I say softly.

Wesley clenches his jaw and closes his eyes tight. It almost seemed as if he was holding back tears.

He pulls me into a tight hug, before I could see any more of his emotions.

He knows something I don't, but he's not going to tell me what. If I want to find out, I need to read the book.

''Are we still going to train?'' I ask pulling away and changing the subject. I don't want to be so emotional anymore, it's getting to much.

''Yeah, I think we need a shower first.'' Ben says throwing his arm around Sasha and giving her a devilish smile, hinting that she should join him.

''You two go do that and Latasha and I will start warming up.'' Sasha says taking his arm off her shoulder.

Now I know she has really changed. Yesterday she would have jumped at his offer.

Ben looks physically dissapointed and it makes Wesley laugh.

''Come on Benny Boo, I'll join you.'' Wesley says throwing his arm around Ben's shoulder, like Ben did to Sasha just now.

''Sorry Wes, but you're not my tipe.'' Ben says patting on Wesley's chest to let him down easy.

''Hate to break it to you, but you don't have a choice.'' Wesley says as they walk up stairs.

''I beg to differ.''

Sasha and I continue to listen to their argument until we can't hear them anymore, then we started laughing until we can't breathe

We make our way to the gym. Entering the room, we head for the only open mat in the room. It's strange they left this mat open. It's propably Wesley's, considering it's the same one we trained on earlier.

Sasha and I talk more then actually warming up. Now that she's changed, we really get along well.

We sit on the mat and stretch our legs. ''I hope Ben asks me to marry him. I know werewolves don't really get married, but I like the idea.''

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