Chapter 13...

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I wake up to a hand on my shoulder and a soft, but intimidating voice. It can only belong to one badass Alpha.

''Latasha.'' I moan in protest and cover hy head with a pillow.

''We need to train.'' He says rubbing my shoulder and I moan again, pulling away.

He sighs, ''Look what I brought you.'' What would he bring me? He's changed so much in the last few days anything is possible.

Out of curiosity I peek out from under the pillow. I see Wesley sitting on the side of the bed with raised eyebrows, holding up a cup of coffee.

''I never, in a million years, thought I'd see this.'' I say in a still sleepy voice. I sit up straight and take the cup.

''I figured it's the only way to get you out of bed at 5 in the morning.''

''Are you serios?'' I yell at him for waking me up this early.

''Shhhht,'' he says holding a finger on my lips and I frown at him. ''there are still people sleeping.''

''Well, no shit sherlock.'' I say slapping his hand away.

He rolls his eyes at me. ''Do you want me to get you some breakfast in bed?''

''No, I think I'll manage that on my own.'' I say still a little scared at his recent change in behavior.

''As you wish.'' He says standing up and bowing which makes me chuckle a bit and he walks to the door. ''Be in the training room in an hour.'' Closing the door behind him.

I have a feeling this is going to be a long few days.

I quickly drink my coffee and get dressed in my training outfit. Making my way to the kitchen, I run into Ben.

He looks extremly happy even though we carry all the stress of an upcoming war.

''Good morning, Ben.'' I say with a big smile, feeling his happiness radiate to me.

''Yes my dear Luna, it is a good morning in deed.'' He says in a sing song way spinning me around like he's dancing to music in his head.

I laugh at his playfull ways. ''I'll see you in the training room in a few minutes.'' I say to Ben

''Until then, m'lady.'' He says bowing the same way Wesley did this morning.

''What is it with you and Wesley with the bowing?'' I ask with a frown.

''Because I'm his Beta we have the same emosions, but the bond isn't as strong as a mating bond. He would feel in a good mood, but not as happy as the one and only.'' Ben pushes his chest out in pride.

I laugh at him and walk to the kitchen, where I find Sasha. I sigh, but continue on.

''Hi.'' She says shy and so not herself.

''Hey...'' I say with a frown taking some milk out of the fridge for cereal.

''Listen,'' She looks up from the cup in her hand to me. ''I'm sorry.''

''For what?'' I frown again, this time looking at her.

''Everything.'' She starts. ''I was a bitch. I wanted Wesley, because I felt the need to have more than one guy.'' She looks down embarressed. ''But I've changed. I only want Ben now, I promise. I know you don't trust me after everything I've done, but I'm appart of your back now and you're my Luna. I know Wesley hasn't marked you, but I also know you did the mating ceremony and it gives you both the need to protect each other. Having my mate I know how that feels like now and I'm very very sorry.'' I see a tear run down her cheek. ''I wish I could make it up to you both.''

I feel her pain. She really is sorry and she feels super bad about what she did. This isn't just acting. It must be a Luna thing, she is appart of my pack so I must be able to feel her feelings.

It's like Ben and Wesley. I'm thecnically Wesley's mate and Sahsa is Ben's.

She is sitting there alsomt afraid to look at me. Like she wouldn't be able to face her feelings. Like she's going to break down.

She wipes away the tears rolling down her cheeck and I feel bad for her sake. She really has changed and she realised what she had done.

I walk over to her and take her hand. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. ''It's okay, it's all over now. You're appart of my pack now and I do trust you.'' I say to reasure her, but  hesitant to call it my pack.

I need to start accepting the fact that I'm Luna and let it sink in. I don't think I'm going anywhere any time soon.

''I just-'' Sasha starts, ''After last night, it's like Ben opend my eyes and I realised all the bad things I did and was planning to do. I just can't believe I could hurt someone like that and gain plesure from it.''

''Sasha, because Ben is such a sweet and loving guy, despite the badass reputation of the packs Beta. The mating bond gave you his view of live. He was so scared yesterday that you wouldn't be affected. He knew that if this didn't work, Wesley would be forced to kick you out and he would lose you. His mate.''

Sasha takes in what I've said.

I continue, ''Don't feel bad about what you did. I can feel you've changed and all that matters is that you don't do it again, and I know you won't. Now, let's stop focussing on the past and start over. As friends.'' She looks up at me with a weak smile.

I am skocked at my own words. I have no idea where that came from, but I'm not shocked in a bad way.

''Would you like to join our training session?'' I ask and she accepts with a nod.

As soon as we stand up to make our way down to the training room we hear an explosion, coming from downstairs.

Where Wesley and Ben is...

I know this chapter is a bit boring compared to the others, but honestly I need to find a wat to make the book a little longer. I don't want it to be too short.

I would still like to know what you think about the book so please vote and comment.

LoL until next time... ;)

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