Chapter 21...

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Chapter 21...

''What?'' I say shocked. ''Nobody told me that.''

''But if we do this we might just stop the war, so get your things and lets go.''

''Wait, we can't go right now. I don't know how I'm going to do it.''

''I have an idea.'' Mia says with a smile on her face.

''Which is?'' I question.

''We go there tonight and kill him in his sleep. That way he won't put up a fight.''

''Well I happen to know he goes to bed every night at 8 pm sharp, so if we're there at 10 he'll be fast asleep by then. But how am I going to kill him?''

''Come with me.'' She stands up and takes me by the arm.

I follow her down stairs to the same floor as the infirmary and the training room. She leads me down a dark hall. Hidden from sight.

You need to go past a few bends to find it. It's dark and even with my werewolf sight, I'm struggling to see. Mia comes to a stop and opens a large iron door which burns my eyes with  light that escapes from within.

We enter and she closes the door behind us to make sure nobody suspects that someone is in here and finds us.

The sight infront of me is scary. The entire room is filled with weapons, and it's not a tiny room.

''I can see why this place is protected with an iron door.'' I say under my breath.

''Yep.'' She says walking to a cabnit and opening it. ''And we're going to kill Stephan with this.'' She hands me a knife.

''It's not as loud as a gun, so this way nobody will hear us and catch us.'' I've never seen this side of Mia and frankly it's scaring me.

I take the knife from her and breath out a breathe that I was holding.

''Mia, you know I only want you to stay outside with a car. To be my get away, right? I don't want you to get caught.''

''Yeah. I know, but I need to prepare you at least.''

I nod and hide the knife in my pocket. We leave the room and I go upstairs to get ready. Mia said she'll come and get me when we need to go.

At the moment I'm going through Wesley's stuff. I know it's bad manners, but I want to take in everything about him. I don't know how things are going to turn out tonight. If I get caught, Stephan will kill me.

I open the bedroom door to look down the hall. The door to Wesley's study is open and nobody is in there. I take this as my oppertunity to put away the book. I turn back to grab it and make my way to the study.

Infront of the bookshelf, I try to remember the place where I took it from. My eyes lay on the spot and I remember it instantly.

I put the book back in it's place and hear a voice behind me.

''What are you doing in here?'' My head shoots to the door and I see Wesley.

''I was just putting back the book. I finished reading it.'' I say honestly.

''Do you want a new book to read?''

''No, I'm not that big of a reader.''

Wesley grins as he leans agains the door frame. I walk towards the door to go out, but stop when I'm next to him.

He gives me a confused look and I hug him tight. I need to feel hom close to me one last time before we leave.

''Why are you hugging me?'' He asks confused.

''I just need it right now.'' I say and Wesley wraps his strong arms around my waist.

I close my eyes tight and bite on my lower lip to hold back the tears, threatening to burs out at any moment.

We stand like this for a few seconds. When I feel I have control over my emotions, I let go and look into his eyes.

''Feeling better now?'' He puts a strain of loose hair behind my ear.

''Yes, thank you.''

''I know you would've done the same for me. You did last night.'' I give him a weak smile and leave the room before I burst into tears.

I go back to Wesley's room and lay on the bed until Mia comes. After only a few minutes, there's a knock on the door.

I stand up to open the door. ''Are you ready?'' Mia asks.

I check to see if the knife is still in my pocket and nod. Mia leads us downstairs and we sneak into one of the SUV's.

The ride to my old house is scilent. All I can think about is Wesley. Was that the last time that I would see him? The last time I would hug him? Touch him even?

''We're here.'' Mia's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look at the time and see it's exactly 10 pm. ''Wait for me here. If anything happens to me go back and tell Wesley about everything. That means if I'm not back in half an hour.''

''Got it.''

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I open the car door and move to the house.

I twist the nob of the front door and find that the door's not locked. I open it slowly and go in, closing it behind me. Not making a sound.

''Didn't think I'd ever see you back here sis.''


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LoL until next time... ;)

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