Chapter 6...

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I've been tossing and turning in bed for the past hour. Stupid Wesley. He's the one that woke me up, now I can't go back to sleep. Well, then I might as well get up.

I sit up in bed and my stoumach growls. I remember that I havn't eaten anything since I've been here.

If I could just find Ben, Maggie or Mia to help me. This place is so huge I'll get lost.

I quickly look in the closet to see if there's something for me to wear. I find all my clothes packed out for me. It was propably Maggie.

I take a simple long sleaved T-shirt with jeans and knee high boots, then I brush my teeth and my mess of hair.

Slowly, I open the door and look left and right to see no one. The door to Wesley's room is open, so I'm geussing he's not in there.

I walk down the hall to his study, but find Mia walking around a corner.

''Hey, Latasha!'' She greets me super happy.

''Hi, Mia. Can I ask you where the kitchen is in this place?''

''Of course. Follow me.'' She says grabbing my arm and guiding me through all the turns.

How am I supposed to know where everything is in this place? It has even more turns than a maze.

We go down a flight of stairs and around a few more corners before finally reaching the kitchen.

The kitchen is empty and I breath a sigh of relief. I still don't like the pack and I don't think they like me very much either.

''Since I'm in the kitchen, I'm going to make some coffee for me. Would you also like some?'' Mia asks taking a cup out of one of the many cupboarts.

''I can never say no to coffee.'' I say looking for something to eat.

Mia and I have a good time getting to know each other. I completely forget about the bad situation I'm in. Looks like I've finally found a friend.

We're enjoying each others company so much, we never realised that Ben has walked into the room.

He cleares his throught catching our attention. ''If you two lovely ladies are done, Alpha Wesley has asked me to fetch Mia. He said Dr. Amel need some assistance downstairs.''

Mia gets up and goes downstairs, she's a pack nurse so it doesn't surprise me at all. I stand up and start cleaning up the mess I've made.

''Wesley is one lucky guy you know.'' Ben says making me jump.

''Why do you say so?''

''Because your his.''

''Let's get one thing straight. I am no ones property. Besides he doesn't like me and I don't like him.'' I say getting mad. I know I need to calm down, so n breath in deeply.

Ben walks to me and looks in my eyes. His eyes are a deep blue, bluer than the depths of the oscean.

His hand touches my cheek, his soft fingers going down till they reach my jaw. He pulls me closer and kisses me.

I hate to say it, but his kiss makes me miss Wesley's lips against mine. Before I can miss the kiss from last night, Ben pulls away cutting the kiss short.

''Shit,'' he says walking backwards, away from me, ''if Wesley finds out I'm dead.''

''He can't do anything to you, because he doesn't want me.''

''But you're mated. His wolf is going to get the best of him.''

''He doesn't care what his wolf wants.''

''Latasha, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.'' He really sounds scared of what Wesley will do if he finds out. ''I need to go.''

He walks away leaving me to get lost in this huge house. I walk out of the kitchen not knowing where to go, but then I smell vanilla and descide to follow it.

It leads me straight to the hall where our rooms are and his study.

The door to his study is open, but he's nowhere to be found. I go in and look around the room.

Three of the four walls are bookshelves and stocked full of books. In the middle of the room is a desk. On the one side is a chair with a laptop and a desklamp. On the other side there are only two chairs.

I look around at all the books. There must be something for me to read here. It will help me to pass the time.

I see a familiar name and stop to read it clearly. 'Latasha Ascencuo.' It's my name. Why would my name be the title of a book?

I know this chapter is short, but I think the drama makes up for it.

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LoL until next time...;)

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