Chapter 11...

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I go to my room to get out of Wesley's clothes and into my own. As I walk passed Wesley's room, I throw his T-shirt on the still messy bed and close the door.

Now to find the training room. Assuming Wesley is already there, I follow the hint of vanilla. I must admit, being a werewolf has it's perks.

I follow the adictive arouma through the house, around alot of twists and turns, down 4 flights of stairs. Into  the basement

I walk past an open door and look inside to see Mia talking to Dr.Amel. This must be the packs infirmary. Mia waves at me when she sees me and Dr.Amel greets me, ''Good morning, Luna.'' with a smile and a nod of his head.

I great them back with enthusiasm and continue on the trail of my adiction.

I'm not even going to try and lie to myself anymore. I am adicted to his smell.

I stop at an open door where the smell is at it's strongest and turn to look inside.

The room is huge. It's a full scale gym. Complete with punching bags, a protective mat on the floor, gym equipment, even mirrors to admire your hard work.

There aren't alot of people in the gym. I look around and spot Ben and Wesley standing in the middle of one of the mats, warming up before training.

Neither of them see me yet. Wesley says something to Ben, who then looks my way and gives me a warm smile and a wave. I return the smile and walk over to them.

I reach them and Wesley looks down, but I can see the small smile on his lips before he looks up at me, emotionless. I give him a smirk to say 'I saw that' and he rolls his eyes.

Maybe he really is warming up to me. No, his wolf just got the best of him for a second.

I'm glad Ben's here. He will make things less awkward and hopefully prevent a fight. I'm actually really mad at Wesley.

I'm glad to see Ben in a good mood though. After this morning it must be hard for him.

''How did you find your way down here?'' Wesley asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

''I followed your scent.'' I say embaressed, yet I don't know why.

''That's how Wesley knew you were here before we saw you. He says you smell like vanilla.'' Ben says with a grin to tease Wesley.

I have a feeling Ben knows about everything. He has to. He is Wesley's Beta after all.

''But Wesley smells like vanilla.'' I say motioning to Wesley.

''Yes.'' Wesley says irritating me. Why can't he just give me an answer?

Ben rolls his eyes at Wesley and looks at me. ''Since you guys are mates, you will have the same smell.'' He explains.

I feel a small dose of butterflies in my belly at the thought of me and Wesley having the same scent, but I push the thought away. I will not let my wolf get the best of me. It's only going to cause heartbreaks.

''Are we going to start?'' I ask wanting a distraction. I hope I fight against Wesley to train, it will give me an excuse to punch him.

They both nod and stand further away from each other, not to be in the way and accidentally hit one another.

''Fisrt, we need to do some warm ups. You've been stuck in a house your hole live so you can get hurt easily.'' Wesley says.

''Are you saying I'm weak?'' I say getting mad at him.

''Yes.'' He says with a grin.

I see what he's doing. And unfortunitly it's working. He wants me to get mad and push to my limits. It can't do me wrong. It's going to be good for me to push to my limits and get a good workout in.

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