Chapter 17...

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We walk past the kitchen on our way out. I see Ben and make a mental note to talk to him about Sasha.

I know I hated her at first, but this mating thing is alot stronger than I thought. It's like Sasha is another person. She looks the same, but she dresses different and she even sounds different. She isn't trying to sound sexy anymore, she just sounds sweet and bubble all the time.

The ride to the mall is filled with the three of us trying to sing along to every song that playes on the radio. It was an epic fail. We were totally off key, but who cares? We definitely didn't.

We are riding in one of the pack's cars. It's a black Mercedes-Benz SUV. Just like the one Wesley and Ben drove when they came to pick me up at my house.

The first thing we do when we stop at the mall, is go into the first clothing store we see and try on everything. Wesley gave me some money to buy stuff with. I wanted to ask him where he got it considering he doesn't have a job, other than to run the pack. At least he cares about me and isn't too afraid to show it.

After 3 straight hours of shopping, we're all exhausted and go sit down at a coffee shop.

''What was wrong Sasha?'' I ask about her nausea.

''I have no idea. It just dissapeared.''

''Well, we're just glad you're feeling better.'' Mia says with a warm smile.

We sit and enjoy each others company for a while, when I suddenly heard a familiar voice next to me.

''Excuse me ladies.'' I look up to see Stephan.

I move away on instincts closer to Sasha and away from him. The wave of fear that coursed through my body has all my senses on high alert. I'm shaking from adrenaline.

''Aren't you glad to see your father.'' He asks with a fake look of sadness.

''You're not my father.'' I say barely a wisper from fear.

''So you found out.'' He says with an evil grin, clutching the side of the table.

Sasha is on high alert and her fighting instincts have kicked in. She's ready to attack at any moment.

''I thought you would at some point or another.'' He continues looking mad and it makes me even more scared.

The sound of my phone ringing gives me a fright.

''I'm sorry I need to take this.'' I use it as an excuse to get up and put a little distance between us.

I look at the phone and see that Wesley is calling. That boy has perfect timing.

I answer and don't even have time to say hello before he starts asking, ''Latasha whats wrong? Are you okay? Did something happen?'' He sounds mad and concernd.

''How did you know something was wrong.'' I ask confused.

''Our mating bond isn't strong yet and I can feel your fear, which means you have to be pretty damn scared of something.''

''Well I'm not going to lie, I am. Stephan is here.''

''What?'' He yells. ''Latasha you guys need to get out of there tight now. I don't trust him and I won't be able to reach you in time.''

''How am I going to get away from him?''

''Tell him I need you. Remind him who your mate is and what deal he made with me. I'm just hoping that's enough to scare him off.''

''Okay.'' I say putting down the phone.

I walk back to the table, biting on my lower lip. I take a deep dreath. I really hope this works.

Sasha is standing now, having a stare of with Stephan. He hardly looks phased at all, where Sasha is basically in werewolf mode.

''Hey guys that was Wesley.'' I say looking at Stephan. ''My mate needs us back at the pack house.'' I emphasise on the word mate.

''Don't let me hold you back.'' Stephan steps away to let us pass.

We quickly pick up our bags and walk out, almost jogging. At least we didn't buy to many things, so we aren't carrying too much stuff to slow us down.

The ride home is silent. We are looking around, making sure he didn't follow us. Mia is the only one holding her eyes still on the rode infront of her, considering that she's driving.

We pull up to the pack house and both Wesley and Ben are pacing up and down the driveway. As soon as I see Wesley my heart rate drops a bit and a breathe out a sigh of relief.

Ben runs up to Sasha hugging her tight, making sure she's okay. Wesley walks towards Mia and I. Checking us up and down to make sure he didn't harm us.

''Are both of you okay? Did he touch you?'' He asks placing one hand on my shoulder and the other on Mia's.

''We're fine. He didn't touch us. He and Sasha only had a stare down.'' As the words leave my mouth Wesley looks a bit more calm.

''Speak fore yourself. That guy is scary as hell. Honestly Latasha, I have no idea how you lived with him you're entire life.'' Mia says holding a hand on her heart to calm down. ''I think I need a bath.'' She says and walks away.

Wesley then placed his open hand on my open shoulder. He still looks concerd. ''Are you sure you're okay? I don't trust that asshole. The fact that he's leading the rogue team tells me how dangerous he is.''

I put my hands on his muscular arms. ''I'm fine. Like I said he didn't touch any of us. Sasha just gave him a death stare.'' I give him a weak smile.

''Well that's Sasha. The perks of being trained from a young age, scared of nothing.'' He puts his arm around my waist and walks over to Ben and Sasha, taking me with him.

He clears his throat as we reach them. ''If you two are done, we should go up to my study and talk about what just happend.''

''You guys go ahead. I'm feeling a bit dizzy.'' Sasha says placing a kiss on Ben's cheek and walks inside.

Ben is smiling shyly, biting on his lower lip. Wait, is he blushing?

Before I can say anything else, Wesley leads us upstairs to his study.

He closes the door behind us and I take the oppertunity to sit on his chair, just to tease him. Wesley turns arouns and sighs, this makes Ben look down and cover his mouth so Wesley doens't see him chuckling.

''What did Stephan say?'' Wesley asks leaning on the table infront of me.

''He didn't really say anything. He just came to us and asked me if I wasn't glad to see my own father when he saw my expression.''

''What did you say then?''

''I just said he isn't my father and he said he thought I would find out sooner or later. That's when you called and when I told him that my mate needs us, he moved out of the way to let us pass.''

''So he is still respecting the deal.'' Wesley stands up and starts to pace up and down the room. He whipes his face with his hands.

''Something isn't right.'' Ben says reading Wesley's mind.

''He's planning something.'' Wesley comes to a stop in the middle of the room.

''Question is what?''

I think everyone caught the hint in the previous chapter, but I gave an extra hint in this one.

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LoL until next time... ;)

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