Scott McCall

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How you meet him

Lydia Martin has invited you to her party tonight. You are so nervous because tonight is the full moon and you still can't control yourself. But she insists so you couldn't say no.

You bought a handcuff to cuff yourself if something happens at the party because of you.

You took a shower and get dressed. You straighten your hair and applied makeup.

Downstairs, your brother, which is Derek Hale, is waiting for you

"Are you sure about this?" He asked

"Yes I am. I'm not ditching my best friend's party" you replied

"If you feel strange about yourself-"

"I'll call you. Now can we go?" you cut him off and grabbed Derek's hand

You both walked outside to his car and he unlocked it. You open the passenger door and gets in

"Well, what are we waiting for?" you screamed from the car

Derek just rolled his eyes and sits at the driver's seat. He inserted the car keys and startes driving

You got a text from Lydia asking where are you. You called her and she picked up

"I'm on my way, lyds. My brother is driving so damn slow" you take a quick look at Derek

He glares at you and shakes his head

"The party is already started. Tell Derek to hurry up. Bye!" Lydia hungs up and you put your phone at the dashboard

"Well you heard her" you said

He increases the speed and you arrived ten minutes later. You kissed Derek on the cheek before getting out of the car

You walked in and knocked on the door. Lydia opens it and lets you in

The minute you heard the music, you and Lydia started dancing to the beat. You jumped and sings with her. You decided to take a drink for a while.

"Hey Lyds, I'm going to take a drink. You wanna come?" you yelled to her because of the loud music

"No. I'll stay here" she yelled back
You leave your bag to Lydia.

You started walking to the drink corner and grab a solo red cup. You take the drink outside then you take a big gulp before a guy drops your drink

"What the hell are you doing?" you snapped and your vision gets blurry

"Did you drink it?" the other one  asks

"Of course I drinked it" you laughed. The drink already making you emotionally unstable

"Oh God. What are we gonna do, Stiles? Tonight is the full moon"

"Why did you know tonight is the full moon?" you try to sound serious but it sounds ridiculous.

"She haven't reached her limit yet. Scott, stay here with her until I found a rope or something" Stiles said

You feel your body is burning and you started having hallucinations. You closed your eyes, trying to blink the blur away but instead you saw Kate Argent burning your family's house.

That made you angry and lets out a low growl. Your eyes turns yellow and your claws are coming out.

Scott saw you acting strange and he knew that if he can't stop your hallucinations you'll be a murderer tonight. He holds you from behind strongly and you struggle to get out from his grip.

A part of you knows that you have to call Derek and another part of you wants to kill everyone that's in your way.

You were about to howl but Scott spun you until you face him.

"I'm so dead for doing this" he muttered

The next thing you know, his lips are on yours and you both closed your eyes. His hands are on your neck. He deepend the kiss until you came back to normal state.

Your eyes turned back to normal and your claws are gone. You dared to open your eyes and your vision came back to normal.

You realised that Scott McCall, your brother's beta, is still kissing you. He pulled away and looked at you.

"Oh thank god. You came back to normal" he sighed in relief

"What happened?" You aske

"You kinda hallucinate and making a growling sound" he tells you

"I have to call Derek" You remembered that your phone is at Derek's car dashboard

"And my phone is in his car. Perfect" you sighed and sit on the floor

Scott joins you and pulls out his phone. You watched him as he dialled Derek's number

"Your sister is here with me. Things got a little bit out of control" he spoke

You looked at him and hugged your own body.

"Okay" he ended the call and slip his phone inside his pocket. Then, he takes off his leather jacket and put it on you. You smiled at him

"Thank you for um.. the jacket and for calming me down" you said

"No problem. I'm sorry I had to kiss you" he scratch the back of his head

"That's okay. I'm (Y/N) by the way" you said

"Scott McCall" he flashes you a smile

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