Derek Hale

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Things he love most about you

1. Your 'not-so chubby cheeks but still'.

Derek likes to pinch them whenever he gets the chance.

"Derek, stop" you swatted his hand away

"But I love them" he pouted but then he pinched your left cheek softly

He's very happy when you get pregnant because he bet that the baby's cheek will be chubby too. And after nine months carrying her, he smiled in victory when she's born.

"I told you so" he grinned


2. How you stay calm with problems.

It may sound really weird but Derek loves and shocked on how you deal with problems.

One time, Derek lost his anger control and even Scott couldn't calm him down. You are so frustrated but you manage not to yell at him.

So you leave him alone for a while in a empty room

You came in after a few minutes. Instead of giving him a long boring speech, you kissed him and hug him tightly. That works very well for him


a/n :

okay i have to admit this imagine became shorter and shorter. i'll make longer next time :)

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